No Escape From Reality

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"It's okay, it's okay. I'm here," you heard a familiar voice reassure you. You looked over to see Kylo holding your hand. His features looked sympathetic and full of shame.

"Kylo?" you questioned wondering if you'd found your way back to reality yet. You couldn't explain it, but this felt more real. Like somehow you knew this was your dimension.

"Yes? [Y/N], I'm here, anything you need." His voice was soft, kind. Nothing like the Kylo who'd just betrayed you. For some unknown reason, you felt a lump forming at the back of your throat and tears stinging your eyes. A sudden wave of emotion rushed over you, and you began balling. You felt strong arms wrap around you as Kylo pulled you into a warm embrace.

"Shhhh. What's wrong? What happened in there?" he asked kindly, cupping the back of your head with his hand.

"I was so scared, Kylo. I was so scared," was all you could make out in between sobs. He knew you wouldn't be able to talk about it for a while, so he just kept holding you.

"[Y/N], I am so sorry. I never meant to hurt you, I really didn't," his voice cracking as he apologized. You knew the guilt was really taking a toll on him.

"I forgive you," you promised, although you weren't sure which Kylo you were forgiving in that moment. Your sobs became fewer an fewer as you began to steady you breath. You pulled away from his embrace and avoided eye contact.

"I need to go, Kylo. I can't be here anymore," you stated, keeping your eyes on the ground.

"What? You can't leave. You still need to recover, and your training hasn't been complete." His tone carried a sense of desperation.

"I know, I know. I just...need to find my family. I need to figure out who I am. I'm useless here if I don't even know that. I just..." You looked Kylo in the eyes only to find pain. 

"I'm sorry," you said, ripping the IV from your vein. Reality began to set in as you started feeling pain on your throat. Your vocal chords ached; it hurt to swallow. 

You stood up, knees beginning to buckle underneath themselves. Kylo quickly caught you and helped you regain your balance. 

"[Y/N], you're in no condition to leave this room, let alone go on a mission to find your family."

"And you have no right to stop me," you seethed, anger threatening to boil over. "The only reason I am in this room to begin with is because of you. So please, just let me go." You'd rendered Kylo speechless for he knew you were right. Guilt radiated off of him as you turned and left the room.

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