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Kylo's POV

It took everything in me not to take my saber out and slash a hole through the wall.

"What do you mean she's gone?" I seethed on the border of choking the stormtrooper in front of me.

"We got notice that an unscheduled transport left just under an hour ago, sir. The girl was reported to be on it," the trooper explained, voice shaking from fear.

"Almost an hour? It took you almost an hour to realize a transport had flown out unscheduled? What if it had been a Resistance prisoner escaping?! Hmmm?"

"I'm sorry, sir. We'll be more vigilant next time," he apologized. 

"Prepare my ship. And get out of my sight!" I demanded, making my way to the flight deck. 

Anger pulsated through my body. How could she be so disrespectful? She disobeyed a direct order, not only from me, but from the First Order. And now, her loyalties would be divided. It had been made illegal to find your family years ago for reasons like this.

Rage continued to flood my bloodstream, but no amount of anger could mask the small dosage of insecurity I felt. She had left. She left me. I knew better than to take it personally, but for some reason this hurt more than usual. 

I decided to not clear this through Snoke. He would be pissed that I was wasting the First Order's "precious resources". And for a girl nonetheless. 

I boarded my ship and had the coordinates lock onto the transport's gps. It'd be good to get out again. I couldn't remember the last time I had flown myself somewhere.

Let's see where she went.

After moments of waiting, the transport's signal appeared on my screen.

What? Why was she there?

Fear started to sink into my skin. That place was bad news, trouble. She wouldn't last a minute on that planet. 

I finished prepping the ship for take off and took a deep breath in. My anger had settled down to only a simmer. Damn, I needed to get better about controlling that. Yet, Snoke's words continued to echo in my mind, reminding me to maintain my rage. 

I took one last deep breath before departing from the bay. I glanced back down at the gps as I took off. Reading the location of my destination, the name began to echo in my mind.


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