Phase One

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She tries to turn in bed and stops when her wrist gets twisted in a weird way. The girl panics, she can't see anything, and her mind betrays her.

'Keep it in place! The test isn't over!'

'But Doctor—'

'Look at me, you little beast,' The small kid stares up at the man's eyes, full of anger and lacking any kind of empathy. 'The more you fight, the more you'll stay in the confinement box.'

Her eyes widen, she's fully awake now. "W-What—? Help— HELP!"

She bolts upright and frees her hand, ripping the sheets on accident. The door opens and two guards walk in, she hisses, looking down she discovers her claws are out, she pulls them back in so the guards don't think she's attacking them. They point their weapons around, avoiding her body, she blinks and suddenly she remembers: she's safe.

A third person walks in: A woman. She gets closer carefully, both hands in full view so the girl sees she means no harm. 

"Had a nightmare again?"

The girl gulps even though her mouth is dry, she nods. "It's too dark."

"It's too dark," Maria Hill smiles at her briefly. "I'll take care of that. It's a bit earlier than usual, but it's better if we start the day now."

C.C. rubs her eyes and slowly pushes the sheets away from her body, she touches the torn fabric and stops.

"I ripped it," She says drowsily. "I'm sorry."

"Not a problem, we can get you new ones."

The agent offers her hand and she takes it, she guides her out of the room, barefoot and still in her pajamas. C.C. doesn't like wearing clothing, when Fury found her she was living in an alleyway, wearing only hospital robes and a large coat.

"Today you'll be starting your training..."

Fighting and stealth are something she's been learning since a toddler, quite literally. However, she is new to the whole of being 'protected', instead of observed and examined.

"You'll have to use something else," Hill points out. "You can't fight while wearing a camisole."

"I've done it before," She mumbles.

"When you escaped?"

"It went fine, it's loose in all the right parts."

The woman chuckles. "Sure is, but is not about how good you can move, is about shielding your body."

"My body heals."

"It won't heal from gunshots, electrocutions, acid, or stabbing."

"I've been electrocuted," C.C. replies plainly. "They said I was rather resi— resistant."

Hill glances at her sideways and continues their talk.

"You're chatty today... are you hungry?"

"Can I eat before training?" The girl asks, sounding hopeful.

"I think we can find something."

C.C. looks ahead, she sinks into her memories...

'Again! Get up— I said get up!'

C.C. whimpers on the floor, her ribs sting badly and her vision is blurry, but what she feels the most is thirst.

'Water,' She pleads. 'I need it— I'll fight better if I—'

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