The Birth Of A Hero.

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"I'm sorry, can you look me in the eye and ask that again?"

"Can you make a helmet for my suit?"

"What's wrong with the old stuff, did you break the lenses?"

"No, it's good but it's a hassle to put it on and if I move a lot they shift from their place. I think a helmet like Iron Man's could be better."

Tony stared at her. 

"Kid, give me one good reason why I should do it if you're not going to wear it anytime soon."

"Because I'm telling you it isn't flawless and I know it'll bother you until you fix it."

Tony muttered a bad word under his breath, he closed his fist and gestured at her as if he wished to strangle her.

"You're not going to wear that suit. You're not wearing that unless there's an Avengers-level emergency, did you hear me?"

"Loud and clear," She smirked. "I'm not planning to wear it for a Christmas party, you know? I just want it to be at its best when another big threat appears. I mean, a flawed suit could easily be the cause of my death, right? How would you feel about that, knowing I asked you to fix it beforehand?"

"You irritate me," Tony responded. "Get out of my garage and don't talk to me for the rest of the day."

"Is someone else home, or should I learn how to fry eggs alone in your very expensive, flammable kitchen?"

"You know how to kill a man in three easy steps but you haven't learned how to cook," Tony rolled his eyes. "Let's go, I don't have all morning..."

"Neither do I, I have my first midterm exams today," She said brightly.

"Oh, wonderful!" Tony said sarcastically. "Where's your cheat sheet?"

"I don't have one, my friend Peter said I'll regret it if I don't make an effort on my first try."

"Your friend's a dork. I used to cheat all the time, doesn't mean I was dumb—"

"Just lazy," She nodded.

"Definitely, now I'm paying for all my sins listening to you ramble about my defective designs and young teens I have no interest in knowing."

"That reminds me... I need VIP passes to Stark Expo, just two, for my friends."

"What makes you think I'll give them to you?"

"Because my friends deserve them," She raised a brow. "They're super into all that tech that you've got there and they're beyond smart too, they're the ones who helped me study for the midterms."

"Well, if you pass all your midterms without cheating, I'll give them to you. Let's see if your friends did a good job."

"But I promised—"

"Well you shouldn't have, 'cause you're not the boss here, I am."

"Actually, is Pepper—"

"And she won't give the passes to you if I don't tell her to."

"You wanna bet?"

"Don't push me, kid," Tony pointed an accusing finger at her. "You're under my roof, pay a little respect, I'm making breakfast today cause I'm feeling generous, but I could poison it if I wanted to— tomorrow you're doing it on your own, understood?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good," Tony replied. "Now let's feed you before Friday calls child services."


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