C.C.'s First Christmas.

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"Thank God it's over," C.C. walked out of the bus, feeling clammy and exhausted. "That trip felt like it lasted a lifetime!"

"Yeah, you look kinda green," MJ eyed her worryingly. "D'you want water?"

"Fresh water, yes," C.C. said. "Not warm water from our bottles that's been inside a bag for five hours..."

"Was the driver doing everything in his power to make us sick, or is it just me?" Peter was pale and extremely sweaty even though they were in the middle of winter.

"Damn, you and C.C. have like, the worst car sickness I've seen in my life," Ned pointed out.

"Happy's across the street," C.C. pointed. "You think you can go home on your own, Pete?"

He blinked rapidly. "Or maybe I should wait a moment so my head stops spinning..."

"You're coming with me," C.C. turned him around and pushed him forward. "See you guys!"


"Take care!"

"Have a nice Christmas!"

"You too!"

Peter was dragging his feet, he was holding onto her but his grip was frail. C.C. was slowly recovering thanks to the cold air around her, she'd never enjoyed secluded spaces and the long trip had put her on edge, but Peter looked like he was going to faint in no time.

"Did you eat something weird during the trip?" She asked in concern. "You look really bad..."

"No, no... no, my food was okay... maybe I just have the flu..."

"The flu doesn't normally do this, Pete," C.C. raised a brow.

"Hey, what's up with him?" Happy frowned, he took off the safety belt and got out of the car. "Is he having a heart attack or something?"

"I think he got sick during the trip, maybe he ate something—"

"No, I'm fine! I just... I got a bit carsick, Happy, but I'll be fine..."

"Kid, no offense, but a stray dog would look better than you at this moment," He opened the door for them, C.C. helped her friend sit. "We're taking you home."

It was thirty awkward minutes in which she prayed Peter didn't decide to projectile vomit on Tony Stark's car. Once they got to his building C.C. told Happy she could take care of the boy on her own, the man agreed only after she insisted that she didn't want to let a strange man enter May's house without her knowing.

Peter was slightly better, but he was in no condition to climb the stairs, so they waited for the elevator, and she had a firm grip on his waist the whole way up until they were facing his front door.

"Alright," C.C. pushed the door open once he unlocked it, she grabbed the keys as they walked in and closed the door with her foot. "Should we put you in bed, or should I leave you in the living room for your aunt to find you in case you decide to die like this?"

"My room," He breathed. "I'm just... I'm kinda tired, I just need to sleep it off... I'm telling you it's the flu..."

"Yeah, right," She scoffed, opening the door to his room with one hand and dragging him in. "I'm gonna lay you down, okay?"

"You're really strong," He mumbled. "You're carrying most of my weight right now and you're not even panting..."

"I work out," She grinned. "Besides, you barely reach my nose so it's not that hard..."

Peter moaned. "I'm such a loser, C.C."

"Nah, you'll grow up and you'll be the best of us, you'll see," She placed him on the bed and pull off his shoes. "Now stay still..."

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