Partly Human.

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After their talk in Peter's apartment, and her promise to give Ned -and also Peter- a VIP pass to Stark Expo, the three kids grew closer.

MJ would come and go depending on her mood, she valued her space a lot. C.C. realized that as soon as she found a group of friends in which she felt welcomed entirely, her need to get away from social interactions diminished. 

Ned, Peter, and Michelle weren't demanding, and their favorite activities were quieter and easier to handle than the things the popular kids enjoyed doing. Of course, Ned would constantly beg her to convince Liz to invite them to a party, and Peter was dying to go to one as well, but he was better at hiding it.

C.C. had no interest in going back to that, though, she wasn't a fan of dancing, shouting out the lyrics to a song, or playing spin the bottle, but maybe that had to do with her lack of experience.

"What are your plans for Christmas?" Peter asked her during lunch.

"Christmas?" She tilted her head. "You celebrate it?"

"Yeah, you don't?" 

"Uh— probably not the same way you do. Why do you ask?"

"I was thinking we could schedule a Christmas movie marathon once the break starts, we can eat gingerbread houses and hot chocolate—"

"Oh, I love hot chocolate!" She said excitedly. 

"That's good, cause that's all I know how to do without adult supervision," Ned mentioned as he sat down, MJ was with him. "What are you guys talking about?"

Peter repeated the plan to their friends and asked if they wanted to join.

"I can't, I'll be visiting my grandparents," MJ retorted. "Don't let me stop you, though."

"Hi, C!"

"Hi, Liz," She smiled. 

"Good luck with your midterms!"

"Yeah, you too."

Liz smiled and waved at the rest of the group before walking away, Peter had to take a moment to recover, he kept staring at the spot where she'd been standing for what felt like decades.

"Honestly, dude, you have to get over her a little bit if you want to have a chance," C.C. sighed. "It's a little pathetic."

"I'm not exactly experienced," Peter mumbled, lowering his gaze. "If I could just—"

"Think fast, Penis!"

A slice of ham landed on the side of Peter's face with a disgusting slapping sound, it knocked off his glasses, Flash's table erupted into cackles.

"Oh, real smart of you, guys," C.C. sneered at them. "How old are you?"

"We have one extra if you wanna match your boyfriend, Stark," One of Flash's friends offered, it was one of the boys she'd found bullying Peter all those weeks ago. "Enjoy!"

He threw the slice with impressive precision, but C.C. lifted her fork and impaled the ham in the air before it could even touch her.

"Thanks for the free food, Carter, I'll give it to the rat I named after you."

"That was so cool!" Ned laughed. "Where did you learn to do that?"

"I just have really good reflexes," She smiled awkwardly. "You're okay, Pete?"

"Yeah," He was cleaning himself with a napkin. "Wish I had fast reflexes too..."

"Maybe if you wear contacts you wouldn't have blind spots."

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