C.C.'s New Mission.

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The first week ended, not entirely triumphant, but at least now she had a few friends. Betty's people had welcomed her in with open arms, and they were all popular, so the twins hadn't been wrong after all.

"And they invited me to a party," She was telling Pietro and Wanda during breakfast. "But... I kinda don't wanna go, what if I embarrass myself?"

"Didn't you say they're throwing the party for you?"

"Doesn't mean they'll think I'm cool if I end up throwing up in the pool," She mumbled.

"I disagree," Pietro snorted.

"You're not old enough to drink, so there's no way that'll happen," Wanda raised a brow.

"Oh c'mon, d'you really think they won't drink?"

"I could go and supervise," Pietro started, but Wanda cut him off.

"You just want to see the girls, you won't be going there to look after C.C."

"No no no no, the last thing I need is a chaperone- everyone keeps saying how cool it is that my parents let me live in a whole other country without lots of adult supervision-"

"And the first thing you think of doing after figuring that out is drink," Wanda rolled her eyes. "Sounds like a chaperone is exactly what you need."

"Fine! I won't drink even if they have alcohol in the party," She groaned.

"These girls you told me about, the ones that are older than you- what are their names?"

"Liz and Sally?"

"Yeah, are they good-looking?"


"Okay, I've had enough of this," C.C. grabbed her pad and started typing on it. "Here, these are their Facebook pages- which reminds me, should I make one?"

"No," Sam said from behind them, he'd been pouring himself a cup of coffee. "Making a Facebook page is just going to create a bigger lie, and then you won't be able to keep up, just tell 'em you don't like social media cause creeps are always trying to contact you."

"That could work," C.C. nodded.

"Also, don't even think about drinking," He frowned. "It's not just illegal, but also dangerous for a girl like you- you gotta be smart, kid, if you lose control then you'd be in big trouble."

She hadn't thought of that, but Sam had a point.

"You're probably right... I should just feel lucky that Fury allowed me to go to the party, right?"

"You're his favorite child, we can't even leave our rooms after midnight, and he's letting you out like it's nothing!"

"It's because I'm better at controlling my powers, Mr. Tried-To-Make-a-Milkshake-Without-The-Blender."

"Yeah well, at least I don't hiss at loud noises..."

"That was just one time and I was half asleep!" She exclaimed.

"When's this party, then?" Wanda grinned, stopping C.C. from throwing an apple at her brother.

"Next weekend, I probably won't be able to come..."

"Meh, it's fine, enjoy your youth little baby," Pietro patted her back mockingly. "Back in our days, Wanda and I used to party till dawn!"

"And that happened just once. Pietro fainted the last three hours of it."


"Are you sure you don't want me to stay?"


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