The Young Avengers.

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She'd just finished putting on the suit when she heard the gunshot. 

C.C. ran towards the sound, more short explosions came afterwards and she found Barton standing over a boy.

"It's you!" She gasped.

Pietro Maximoff looked at her, but C.C. had her whole face covered, a black mask was hiding the bottom half of her face, and two wide, greenish lenses protected her eyes from abrupt changes in the lighting of the room.

"You look different," She pointed out. 

The boy had silvery-white hair, with few dark locks here and there. 

"You keep an eye on him," Clint said, holding onto his gun tightly. "I'm going back upstairs."

She nodded, approaching the older guy. "Here, I'll help you stand..."

C.C. offered a gloved hand -although her fingertips were exposed- and pulled Pietro to his feet.

"You're a kid," He spoke in a thick accent, eyeing her up. "I can hear it— you must be about my age, aren't you?"

"I'm fourteen." 

"You're one of them?" He hesitated.


More grunts and things falling were heard from upstairs, both teenagers looked up.

"Are you here to kill us?"

"I'm here to stop Stark from creating a second Ultron."

"Oh," C.C. frowned. "But weren't you with him?"

"Not anymore."

"So you're good now!" She said brightly. "Sweet— let's stop them before they blow everything up, cool?"

Before he could respond, C.C. bolted towards the second floor, everything around her moved ten times slower, and she grabbed a hold of Wanda then, pulling her out of Banner's grip.

"Okay— playtime's over!" She said happily. "I am now officially intervening. You guys are a terrible team."

Pietro was standing in front of her, unmoving, shocked at what he'd just witnessed.

"You're fast," He breathed. "Who are you?"

"My name's Copycat," She smiled, then realized no one could really see her face, so she pulled her lenses and her mask down. "I'm fast because I touched you— but I touched your sister too, so now I'm guessing I can change my powers..."

She lifted a hand and focused on a piece of metal lying on the ground, it lifted itself from the floor, a red tint enveloping it.

"You're like us," Wanda said in awe. "How did they make you without the scepter?"

"The Avengers didn't make me," She replied. "They rescued me. Hydra made me."

"Copycat," Cap shook his head. "Let me guess, Stark made you that suit?"

"Yeah! Isn't it like, super cool?"

Thor crashed into the room, landing on top of the regeneration cradle. He pointed Mjolnir at it and let a burst of lightning through it. The hairs at the back of C.C.'s neck stood, she held Wanda's arm tightly.

When he was done, the cradle exploded, the body inside flew out of it, but it didn't fall. The creation landed neatly at the edge of the box. C.C. stood alert, moving away from Wanda and summoning a bit of power, reddish smoke started to gather around her palms.

Suddenly, it charged against Thor, but the tall man simply pushed him away towards the main room, where he stopped and stared out of the window, apparently lost in thought.

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