C.C.'s New Team.

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MJ had been right, life was vastly different when one had good friends.

Nothing had changed between Michelle and her, the only difference was that now they would spend all of their free hours together, and Peter, being in most of her classes, would usually walk with her to class. They also liked doing group projects together, C.C. had the money to buy all the needed materials, and he had all the bright ideas to make it work.

The only person that wasn't happy with this turn of events, was Ned Leeds.

He firmly believed C.C. was a convict, even if he had no proof, he didn't want to be associated with a criminal and was reluctant to spend time with her. She didn't take it personally, after all, he was right to be scared, she wasn't an angel.

"Hey, did you hear about our school trip to Pym Technologies?" Peter stood next to her locker.

"Yeah, are you excited?" She replied, grabbing one more book and closing the thin door with her shoulder.

"I heard they'll let us see the latest experiments!" He said happily.


"You're coming, right? They'll give us extra points if we write a report about it."

"Er... I don't know, labs rub me the wrong way," She replied tensely.

"What?" He laughed. "What do you mean? Do you hate science that much?"

"Is not that I hate science," She rolled her eyes. "I don't know, the idea of those men testing their stuff in innocent creatures... I don't like it."

"C'mon, even MJ's coming!"

"Oh, MJ's coming, then certainly it's my duty to go," She teased.

"I thought that if you knew she was coming then you'd feel less anxious about it... I know Ned and you don't get along."

"More like he's waiting for an excuse to lock me up himself," She bit back a smile.

Peter groaned, pushing his glasses back up with one hand.

"I'm sorry, I really tried to change his mind."

"Don't worry, Pete, he's not that terrible. It's not like he's trying to kill our friendship, so it's fine, it's not like..."

C.C. and Peter's eyes caught her former group of friends turning the corner, Sally showed no marks of their fight, but MJ had told her that she still had a very clear patch on the side of her head, where she'd accidentally ripped a handful of hair.

They stopped and stared at the girls quietly, in turn, the girls sensed their staring and threw dirty looks her way, Sally quickened her pace and the rest followed.

"Yeah... Ned's not so bad," C.C. sighed.

Peter didn't move, the girl gazed back at him and noticed he was still staring at Liz.

"Oh no, not her, Peter," C.C. made a face. "Are you kidding me?"

He blinked. "Wha-what about her?"

"You like her," She whined. "I'm not very good with feelings, but I've never seen you stare at a person this way- blackboards and equations, yes, but never a girl."

She groaned, pushing him away playfully.

"I can't believe it, one of my closest friends, crushing on one of my bullies!"

"They're not your bullies, C.C.," He grinned.

"They were mean to me, that makes them my bullies."

"It's hard to feel bad for you when everyone saw the way you beat the hell out of her."

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