Miss Stark Holds Herself Accountable.

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"I don't know what to say. I'm disappointed. I'm upset."

"The parent speech doesn't suit you, Tony."

"Yeah well, the angsty teenage phase is widely overdone too," He said without looking at her. "What were you thinking?"

"I wasn't, I thought that was clear."

"This is my fault, Tony..." Happy started quietly. 

"No, the things you said to me this morning aren't the reason why I decided to scramble that girl's brain," C.C. groaned, rubbing her forehead tiredly. "It was my choice. I wasn't hitting her that hard anyway! Mr. Harrington pulled me up before I could let go and the hair simply came off! I swear I wasn't trying to hurt her! I just wanted to scare her!"

"And why on earth were you trying in the first place?" Tony finally looked at her from the front seat, brows knitted together. "You get insulted once and that's enough for you to go feral? D'you think that's enough?"

"No!" She clenched her jaw. "I tried to talk things out, I really did, I kept my cool but then... she said I was a freak."

"And you really proved her wrong, didn't you?"

"Tony, she's had a hard day..."

"No, you don't understand," Tony pointed at her. "She's stronger than she looks and far more experienced than any kid her age— she should know better than to start fights with another student."

"I'm supposed to let them step all over me simply because I'm not like them?"

"You ignore them— they're fifteen! The most they can do is talk behind your back and I'm sure you've gone through worse—"

"I can't remember my 'worse', alright? And even if I did it doesn't mean I'm not allowed to be upset about someone making fun of me!"

"You're allowed to be upset, you're not allowed to sit on them and rip their hair off!" He pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'll have to inform Fury and Rogers about this."

C.C.'s chest tightened with fear, but she kept a careless attitude. "If you must."

"He might take you away, you won't go back to school."

"I'll survive," She retorted stubbornly.

Tony sighed heavily, Happy entered the garage and C.C. walked out of the car quickly, she rushed all the way up to her room, threw her backpack to a side, and started to pace.

It was too early to call Wanda and Pietro, they would be training or having lunch, and she didn't feel like being scolded by them either. Fury would show up soon for sure, and he would order her to pack her bags, he'd tell her that he was disappointed.

"I don't give a shit about all this," She huffed. "I wanna go."

She burst into tears.

The girl made her way to the bed, she tried to dry her face and control her sobs, but it was useless. C.C.'s hands went up and closed tightly around some locks of hair, she was sick of everything and everyone, now more than ever she wanted to disappear, it was too much, being human was hard, especially when she wasn't one entirely.

Someone knocked on the door, she was unable to yell at them to go away. C.C. wanted to be left alone, but above everything, she wanted to be listened to.

The door opened quietly, Tony's cologne made itself present and she groaned, turning to face the wall. The girl hugged her legs and leaned against her headboard.

"I thought you were done lecturing me," She sniffed. "I've had enough for one day, and you're not my actual guardian, so..."

"I'm not here to fight," He took off his sunglasses and leaned back against the headboard as well, legs hanging from the mattress. "What did they say to make you this angry?"

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