No Shells Fly

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(Title Reference: No Bullets Fly)

USS Arleigh Burke Information (Azur Lane's Intel):

USS Arleigh Burke, first seen during the Battle of Base 88.
Calm and Confident, Stoic Emotions, We can either tell he is an Emotionless Sadist or an Emotionless Savior.

1316 hours,
217km away from the Main AU-322 Base.

The Battle of Hudson Sea,

24 Shipboys vs 26 Shipgirls.

Factions Present:
Iron Blood
Northern Parliament
Eagle Union
US Navy
Russian Navy
Deustchmarine (German Navy)

AU-322 Naval Strength:
2 Aircraft Carriers
1 Battlecruiser (Pyotr Velikiy)
8 Cruisers
8 Destroyers
4 Frigates

Azur Lane Naval Strength:
4 Aircraft Carriers
2 Battleships
6 Heavy Cruisers
6 Light Cruisers
8 Destroyers

Current Air Superiority:
Azur Lane

POV: USS Arleigh Burke

Several Ju-87 D-4s and FW-190s fly towards the Fleet, but is Intercepted by F-35s and shot down by Phalanx CIWS.

Arleigh: "Finally, A fair Battle, dontcha say?"

Nimitz: "Yeah.. Yeah."

Arleigh Burke transforms into his ship, and heads on to battle, Several do the same.
Azur Lane also does the same.

They battle each other, just like what happened in the Animation of the Game.

They Retreated as casualties were suffered.

Azur Lane's ship girls are seen recovering in Akashi's Repair ship, because why the hell not?

AU-322's Recovery ship is seen aside the USS Nimitz.

Nimitz is looking at the Repair Ship Akashi.

A Land-based A-10 Warthog is seen flying over head.

Nimitz: "That's odd, I didn't order an Airstrike."

The A-10 Warthog is seen flying towards the Akashi

Nimitz: "Wait.. Oh shit!!"

The A-10 Warthog does it's "BRRRRRRRRRT", and Launches two AGM-65 Mavericks at the Ship's Deck.

Nimitz: "H-Holy shit.."

Arleigh Burke is seen headed towards the Heavily Damaged Ship

Nimitz to Arleigh: "What the hell are you doing?! Get back here!"

Arleigh: "Negative Nimitz, I'm not a Monster, Sir."

Nimitz (Muttering): "Jesus Christ."

Arleigh Burke tries to find an entrance to the ship.

He found a Hole that the Warthog did.

He enters the Ship, He tried to find the Shipgirls in it.

The First one he found is...

KMS Roon.
Roon seems to be alive, but paralyzed by the Initial Explosions.
She is conscious, and looks at him angrily.

Arleigh: "Don't even try killing me, I'm trying my best to save everyone in this ship, So you can go back and see your Shikikan."

Roon accepts and gets carried away.

Arleigh has her in his Shoulders,
He carries her to the Nearest Undamaged Ship.

He finds the KMS Graf Zeppelin.

He realizes that he has no way to Get up there.

He yells:

Graf yells back:

He now...:

A Rope-like net drops down.

He climbs up, just to see everyone aboard aiming their guns at him.

But they see Roon paralyzed, Shocked to see an Enemy save an Ally.

Arleigh places Roon's body down,

Graf Zeppelin asks..
"Why are you doing this?"

Before he went back to save more lives, he says..

"I'm not a monster, I'm a human being. Tell your Commander i said Hi."

He now heads off back to the Akashi.

He goes back to the hole he went im.

He goes on a search to find more wounded Shipgirls.

He now finds...
SN Chapayev,
Unconscious, but alive.

He grabs and carries her body back to the mentioned Iron Blood Aircraft Carrier.

He goes back and places Chapayev down.

He now goes again, and again.

Until, This..

After saving 7 Lives in the ship.

He now goes for the last Injured.

USS Enterprise.

He finds her Conscious, but she cannot move her legs, as well, She's Paralyzed.

He now tries to grab her, but slaps his hands away.

Enty: "Hands off me!"

Burke: "Do you want to die?! I'm saving your life, just like what i did earlier!"

Enty: "This is another one of your tricks then?!"

Burke: "What?! No! I disobeyed orders just so i can save lives!"

Enty was unwillingly to Accept this, but she did it anyway.

Burke grabs her hand and carries her over his shoulder.

He now arrives to the Graf Zeppelin, and places the last survivor of the Sinking Akashi.

Also Akashi is seen saying.

Burke says this to Graf Zeppelin.

"You remember this day, This Battle and this Moment. I saved your comrades' lives. Your Shikikan will be relieved from my actions, Goodbye."

He now leaves.

He now arrives

Nimitz: "You're one of a daredevil, Burke."

Arleigh Burke: "I'm not a Monster Nimitz, I'm a human being."

(Arleigh Burke..)

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