Iron Cross (Operation: Siegenübung)

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[Bismarck having a dream/nightmare]

???: "....Tirpitz, is she okay?"

Spectating Bismarck: "Who is that..?"

Future Bismarck: "Y-Yes.."

???: "The others.. Scharnhorst? Z23? Leipzig? Are they safe?"

Spectating Bismarck: "Why are they sacrificing their life?""

Future Bismarck: "They're safe... But why are you sacrificing your life? Just come to us! You'll be safer here!

???: "Your safety is what i always assure you. Remember that time on ████████? I almost costed my life there, just to save you."

Future Bismarck: "Do it again! I don't want to lose you!"

???: "I'm sorry sister. But i must ensure your safety. I have served my purpose as a Bismarck-Class battleship, and served you well and for Iron Blood's cause. Goodbye."

Spectating Bismarck: "?!"

Future Bismarck: "██████!!"

Bismarck wakes up from her nightmare..

Operation: Siegenübung (Exercise Siegen)

"Operation: Siegenübung is an Operation where 1 Aircraft Carrier, 2 Battleships, 6 Heavy/Light Cruisers, and 4 Destroyers find the Prison where the imprisoned Espionage Team is held. The Prison is said to be set in Mehamn, Norway. It was the nearest Prison they were taken into when they were captured."

Ships Involved:
KMS Peter Strasser
KMS Bismarck
KMS Tirpitz
KMS Roon
KMS Admiral Hipper
KMS Deutschland
KMS Mainz
KMS Prinz Heinrich
KMS Magdeburg

Main Objectives:
Find Mehamn, Norway.
Find Edinburgh, Sheffield, Daring and Zumwalt and help them escape

Optional Objective:
Liberate the Prison.

As they were headed there...

Tirpitz: "Sister... Were you having a bad dream earlier?"

Bismarck: "Kind of... yeah.."

Tirpitz: "What did you dream about..?"

Bismarck: "I can't tell, but, i think it was the future.."

Tirpitz: "That's... strange.. What was it about then?"

Bismarck: "Well.. The Only thing last i heard was the person in my dream called me sis.."

Tirpitz looked confused..

Tirpitz: "Who was.. the person..?"

Bismarck: "From what i can tell.. A Ship..boy? Just like those AU-322 people."

Tirpitz: "...."

Both of them quieted.

The Fleet arrives,

Bismarck and the others aim their guns at the Large Prison,

Bismarck: "Fire!"

All of them fired their guns.

The Prison was bombarded by Shells and Bombs (from Peter Strasser)

They approach the Prison.

As they approached the base, they were met by weird looking Soldiers, a similar look of a Wehrmacht Soldier,

Bismarck ordered her ships to Kill any Hostiles. Mercilessly.

Roon kills three Soldiers, Heinrich dropkicks a soldier onto Bismarck's Flag bearer (or something),  the Others kill the Soldiers in a way.

Tirpitz finds a cell with Daring and Arleigh Burke in it,

Tirpitz: "I'm glad i found you. Now get up, we're leaving."

Daring: "Find the Captured Royal Navy ships. They're somewhere here in the Prison. We'll clear out the entire prison."

Tirpitz nods, She leaves and orders the rescue fleet to find the Royal Navy's Cruiser Maids.
They approach a cell that Burke pointed,

They found a captured maintenance crew instead, They  point them at the other  Iron Blood Ship girls.

Burke and Daring decide to go on a Killing spree inside the prison.

Mainz and Magdeburg find the cell that the captured Royal Navy ships are locked in.
They release Sheffield and Edinburgh, and escort them to the Port.

Edinburgh: "Wait! Before we go, I need to say something."
Mainz: "Then do."
Edinburgh: "Our ships were captured and being tested. But Burke's and Daring's are currently being used as Target ships. Go save them, before they're all bits and pieces!"

Mainz and Magdeburg nods, and heads to the location that Sheffield.
They saw two Alaska-Class Battlecruisers/Large Cruisers' guns' Pointed at the Burke and the Daring, about to Shoot.
Mainz and Magdeburg began firing at the Battlecruisers, and began to sink as they managed to hit the Magazine.

The Burke and the Daring was saved.

(sry for the long wait)

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