4. An Apology

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A sea of purple flowers across endless hills surrounded the maiden. The sky was a stunning bright blue with no clouds to shun the sun from its warm friendly glow. Yet she could feel the fresh chilly air kiss her skin gently cooling the soul from all worries. She walked barefoot happily across the wildflowers instead of the uncomfortable prickliness she expected it was soft and felt amazing to her feet. Taking a deep breath in she could smell the sweet scent of honey and lavender. With not a single wall insight or a single person to tell her what to do she felt free. As she realized her situation, she started to sprint her long untamed hair blowing behind as she ran with no destination in mind. She eventually let her body collapse so it could roll down a hill. She laughed and giggled while going down once she landed purple petals puffed up before dancing down greeting her face and hair. Everything felt wonderful. She looked up into the sky seeing a dark figure fly across. It had long bat-like wings and a large tail when the realization dawned on her on what it was, she felt no fear. In fact, she felt drawn to it. She bolted up and started running after it.

"Wait!! Slow down!!" Yet it kept flying at its casual pace not sparing her a glance. She continued to run after the creature not knowing why she needed to see it, but something told her she had to. "Please!! Slow down!! I need you!!" The words continued out naturally as if she had no control over them. She then noticed the creature started to fly down. With a sigh of relief, her pace started to slow down.

She walked up the hill where a Willow tree sat at the top. Right under it a stunning pair of Golden eyes watched her with love and care its smile warm and welcoming. The princess smiled at the dragon and walked towards it without any fear a strange feeling of pure bliss and happiness filling her senses the closer she walked to him. Once right in front of him, he closed his eyes and lowered his head letting her arms wrap around his head affectionately and softly placing her lips on his forehead. With that the tree caught fire but she was not scared. She could only feel bliss as the flames enclosed around them.

Her eye's opened gently a smile was on her lips from the feelings of bliss the dream carried over, yet a new feeling of confusion invaded. How could she follow such a deadly creature and show it such affection? And how could one just let her? How could she not scream when fire consumed her? Stretching her limbs, taking a deep breath in and sighing happily at the smell of...flowers? She looked around, it was still night, and the floor of her room was littered with an array of several types of flowers except for a small pathway towards the balcony which was wide open. She froze in place awful thought started to invade her mind of who could have done this yet also interest as the gesture seemed rather...sweet. She carefully got up from her bed following the path cautiously till she was outside. Looking around everything seemed normal until except for what was on the floor. There sat a letter with a rock holding it in place. Picking it up it read:

"My deepest apologies. Please believe me when I say that I had no intention to cut your arm. I feel very guilty. As a magical creature creating mischief is a fun game. I only wanted to scare you a bit. If you do not accept my apology, please expect my gift of flowers. I didn't know your favorite so I just got all the ones I could get my hands on."

-A burning flame

Her eyes widen in surprise not only has the person that's been harassing her lately apologizing but there...a magical creature?? Surely, she must still be dreaming. Thoughts of what type of magical creature her stalker could be flooded her mind she also wondered if this meant they would stop watching her or just simply not scare her anymore. She couldn't help but now want to talk to them just to find more things out about the magical world. Curiosity might have killed the cat, but she would be dammed if satisfaction did not bring it back. Seraphine quickly ran into her room finding something to write with and wrote on the back of the paper.

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