6. Breaking Glass

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((WARNING: This chapter contains violence, physical abuse, and Sexual assault))


Seraphine stared blankly at the unfinished canvas feeling defeated knowing what she wanted but didn't have the drive from yesterday. Lifting her arm and rolling up the sleeve she glanced and grimaced at the large purple bruise. The pain was a ghost lingering just to rile her up.


She sucked in a breath, flinching, and shutting her eye's expecting the pain to come.

"Seraphine?" Bacia's familiar voice eased the tension in her shoulders as she opened her eyes. 'It's just the door calm down'

"Sorry I've been jumpy all day."

"No, no, I understand. Way too many things have been happening." Her best friend carelessly threw herself onto the bed taking a glance at the unfinished painting. "Oooo~ Another one!! What is it gonna be this time??"

"Oh, it's nothing, just a little doodle."

"If it was just a little doodle then you wouldn't be painting it, come on tell me!!" Bacia gently bumped the taller female's shoulder with a big grin.

"Not before you give me your best guess~" Bacia grumbled before glaring at the painting.

"How I'm I supposed to guess it's just two blobs!!??"

"Aww~ Didn't know the queen of the kitchen would be so easily outmatched by a simple commoner like me." Bacia gave an overdramatic gasp putting a hand on her chest and a look of fake surprise.

"Me?? Defeated?? Never!! The blue and black are the sea and the yellow splotches are one of those luminescent creatures that live deep in the mysterious unknown. I know I'm a mind-reading genius no need for confirmation." She spoke in an overdramatic regal accent before the two of them busted out laughing.

"Not even close."

"Then what is it??" Seraphine's bright smile diminished.

"It doesn't matter, I'm not planning on finishing it anyways. I'll just throw it in the fire." She glanced to the gallery hanging behind her. "Maybe I should throw them all in... they're all useless anyway" Bacia's eye's looked as if they would pop out of her sockets at any moment.

"NO!! How can you say that??! I've watched you paint each of these with such amazing passion and effort. You always look so happy once your visions come to life. Your art has always been a part of you." Bacia gently placed her hand on Seraphine's causing her lips to gently go up.

"Your right, I've just been out of it lately." She glanced back at the canvas except in her mind it was already done. The stunning glowing golden eyes staring makes her heart thump in her chest compelling her to keep going. "Maybe it'll make me feel better, care to join??"


Bacia pulled out a notebook and pen and started writing words on the notebook while Seraphine opened her references and got paints ready for the canvas. She layered on oranges and whites making the yellow become rich gold. Humming a small tune each stroke calming the soul from its troubles. The ghost pain on her arm was long gone. She kept on working once something needed drying, she simply switched to another part of the painting. The two sat there together Bacia's head gently resting against Seraphine's chest as they continued working on their passions. As the clocked ticked Bacia took a snappy glance noticing two eye's staring at her for a brief second. The servant returned to her poem before stopping and looking back more intensely. Two eyes looked back at her their pupil had yet to be filled in, but she could see the ray of colors burst around it the golden color becoming darker around the edges but bright and luminescent in the center.

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