Chapter 10

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this is how i imagine harry's house to look like. I'm also designing the interior. i'll do the same with louis's. so it's like big but not unreasonably huge.

for the love of god
shut the fuck up


"OH MY GOD i get it i'm up i'm up shut the shit up good lord"

what a wonderful way to wake up.
I literally roll out of bed, not even kidding i fall right on the floor.


Anygays, i sigh and just go to change my clothes. i put on my signature black ripped skinny jeans and a graphic tee, with my old beat up jacket on top.

i hurry my ass and run downstairs to make sure all my sisters are ready.

"LOTTIE, PHOEBE, DAISY, FIZZY, ERNEST, DORIS ARE YOU ALL AWAKE AND READY?" i quickly pack their lunches and grab my football stuff.


"jesus louis calm down " Lottie walks down the stairs with her phone in hand. God why is she so sassy?

"yes yes i but don't care i don't want to be late and i don't want you to be late." just the day where everyone is late. is the day i have english first period. AKA the teacher who hates my guts.


The rest of the kids come tumbling down the stairs. they all grab their stuff and head to my car. It's extremely cramped but grandma and grandpa only help a few days a week, so they have to deal with it.

45 Minutes later every kid is dropped off.
thank god

i have 10 minutes till school and i honestly don't feel like going. Fuck it, i'll skip.

i go to my favorite spot on earth. it's this beautiful part of the woods with a nice lake that no one really knows about. it's perfect.

one i park i immediately break down in tears. my phone rings and i can only assume it's him again. without checking caller ID i pick it up, anger and sadness consuming me.

"Jesus Christ i told you to leave me and the girls alone. we don't need you especially after what you've done to me. leave us alone, you told me last night how to you hated your f*g of a son so i don't need to hear this shít again! leave me the fuck alone mark." my voice is scratchy and weak, you can i tell i've been crying.

"louis..." this voice is not my fathers. it's deeper, richer, nicer.


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