17th Beat- The Break-up Chronicle

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Rhoyce Park has been the self-confessed “Dylan’s no.1 fangirl” for 4 years now. For most of the people, they thought Rhoyce was just a delusional fangirl who has long forgotten to have a real-life relationship. Fact or Bluff?- BLUFF. The truth? Rhoyce Park has been in an “on and off” relationship with another magazine editor, Renzkie Hwang.

                Rhoyce and Renzkie were classmates, childhood friends and even competitors in previous contests. They lost communication in college but incidentally worked together as trainees in a nationwide magazine. There, they developed a deeper friendship. Up to now, they are still contacting with each other but the status of their relationship is still ambiguous.

                That morning, Rhoyce received a text message from Renzkie. He was asking her out. He said he has something important to say. Her expression was…. BLANK.


                Dylan was in the set of his drama. Majority of the scenes for the newest episode were already shot successfully. He took a break and sat on a corner. He opened his ipod and played some music. When the song “Breathing” was played, he paused for a while then smiled- he remembered Rhoyce. She also loves this song.


                Rhoyce is still in the office. She would have to complete the final lay-out of the magazine. She almost forgot that Renzkie is waiting for her. She only remembered it when her phone rang- it’s Renzkie.

“Hello?” Rhoyce tried to sound cheery.

“Rhoyce,. Please meet me at our favorite coffee shop.”

“Oh, OK. I’ll see you later.”

                After the two bade each other goodbye, Rhoyce took a deep breath. Renzkie really sounds serious. She wonders why he insisted on seeing her.


                Rhoyce arrived earlier than expected. She sat down at a couch. It seems Renzkie is still out. She got one magazine and read. She made herself busy while waiting for him. As she was lifting to another page, somebody called her- it’s Dylan.

“Miss Park!” Dylan waved at her then sat down beside her. Her heart almost jumped. But she sensed something…Dylan is DRUNK?

“Hi. Mr. CHoi.” She shyly greeted him. Dylan stared at her for a moment then smiled.

‘Don’t be so serious, dear. After all, you’re my Backstage angel, right?” Dylan said straightly. Rhoyce confirmed something. Dylan is drunk. Normally, he would be so polite and gentleman in dealing with girls but right now, he seems to be quite flirty.

                Rhoyce cleared her throat (making the sound “EHEM) to show that she’s uncomfortable on how Dylan is acting right now but he ignored it. He leaned closer to her and continued to stare at her.

“I didn’t expect that I’ll bumped into here… Rhoyce. What a coincidence!” he whispered.

“Oh… Right! Right! What a coincidence!” she tried to act normal and move at the other end of the couch. Dylan moved closer to her again. She was really uncomfortable. Good thing, they were only the ones who were at the coffee shop that time and also, the staff of the shop seems to be busy with something.

                Dylan was obviously drunk and he was actually flirting with her. Rhoyce was trying to act normal but any moment that she’d faint. Imagine, being teased by your 3D bias? She almost forgot that she’s here to meet Renzkie. When she remembered it, she got her phone and attempted to text him but Dylan snatched her phone.

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