29th Beat: Blessings Keep Pouring!

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Friday night. 3D Brothers are preparing for their comeback stage in Music Planet. Before their performance, Drake tweeted a pic.

@deepbluesea: gonna be on-air in 10 minutes. Dimensioners, rock on! Instagram252(the link of the pic)

                They were gearing up for their performance. It’s already their turn. The host spoke.

“..and now, one of the hottest rockstars in the land, the 3D Brothers!” the host enthusiastically announced.

“Hello people! We’re back!!” David energetically said as he introduced the first song. “Tonight we’re going to perform our new single, Breaking Dawn!” He looked at the Drake and David and secretly gave them the signal to start the song.

                They were at their best condition. They were performing as if it was their concert. The crowd was cheering for them. The fanchants of the Dimensioners were so loud. They even brought white Lightstick. After their performance…

“Wow! What a super performance!” the host complimented them. “Tell us about your new single.”

“Well, thank you for appreciating it.” David said. “It’s called Breaking Dawn, composed by our drummer, Dylan”.

                The host and the audience were both amazed. Dylan is the composer?

“Dylan, please tell us more about your new song.” The host requested.

“Well, this song is about new beginning, starting anew, forgetting the past and taking new opportunities.” Dylan explained. The host nodded.

“..and it also signals a brighter future for us, right Drake?” Dylan added.

“Yes, as we all know, we faced an accident and almost reached our end. It seems it’s our second life given by God. So we’re taking every opportunity to get the best of it.” Drake added.

“Wow! What a meaningful song! No wonder, it sold 50,000 copies on its 1st day of release” the host announced. “

“And we’re here to invite you to buy our new album: Neo-Genesis (New Beginning). It’s available now” David said.

“Well, guess what? I think, you don’t need to stress yourself in promoting your new album! We have a surprise for you!” the host announced.

                The 3D boys looked at each other, puzzled. Then the representative from Galaxy Music Inc. went to stage.

“We have a special announcement. GMI people have something to say.” The host said.

“Well, we’re here to award you your platinum record for your new album, Neo-Genesis” The representative from GMI said and presented them their platinum award.

                The 3D boys were just too happy and surprised. They raised their platinum award and bowed to the fans.

“Whoah! Thank you guys! We love u!” It’s David.

“Thank you very much! We owe it all to you!” Drake said.

“Thank you guys! We love u!! Thank God! God bless u!” Dylan blurted out.

                *It’s their biggest selling album so far, after reaching platinum status in just a week.


                The boys are still on a high of their success, only to receive more blessings! Their music video is dominating the charts locally and abroad too! They will also be featured in various magazines overseas. That morning, they were at the music studio, practicing for a performance, when manager hyung arrived. He was having this ear-to-ear smile. It seems, he’s up for a good news.

“Good morning, hyung!” the boys greeted them.

“Good morning boys!” he greeted back. “Have a short break for a while.” He said.

                They sat casually on the floor and manager discussed something.

“Guys, are you ready to invade the BillBoard charts?”  he asked.

“Oh come on. Hyung!  Don’t trick us!” David commented.

“No.I don’t. It’s true.” Manager replied.

“Seriously?” Drake asked in disbelief.

“Yes. You are going to release your album in the U.S. Hopefully, it enters Billboard Hot 100” manager told them.

“Oh yeah! We’re going worldwide! “ Dylan said happily.


                Breaking Dawn was a smash hit all over Asia. It swept the music charts in many countries. It is already a great achievement for the band. A month later, they received the news that they won in Global Music Awards (a prestigious award-giving body) as Best Rock Act and Best Alternative act and their album, Vagrancy  as Best Album of The Year.

                Meanwhile, the boys are busy for their US promotions.

00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000UNEXPECTED Victory.

                Shortly after the US release of their album, Neo-Genesis, it climbed to top of US charts. It debuted at no.2 on Billboard Hot 100, then, a week later, it climbed to top spot. It also reached # 1 on rock chart and alternative chart. It also dominated Ryan Seacrest’s America’s Top 40. They received an invitation to guest on that show.

‘Wow! We’re going to be interviewed by Ryan Seacrest?” David asked.

“Yes. The host of American Idol himself.” Drake answered.

“Let’s give it our best shot!” Dylan said.


                Before their guesting on Ryan Seacrest’s radio show, they were first featured on Billboard.com live. It receive massive positive response from the audience. The 3D boys were just very very grateful to God for their success.


                Meanwhile, Guardians of War, Dylan’s movie was also successful and got rave reviews from the critics and viewers themselves. For this, Dylan tweeted..

@PrinceChoi_07: Wow! Just wow! Glory to God!


Morning. They are now in US for their radio for Ryan Seacrest’s America’s Top 40 Show. They’re just so excited!

“Good day America! Today, we have special guests; the rockstars who are taking over the music world by storm, the 3D Brothers!” Ryan introduced them.

                Ryan interviewed them and they answered questions from listeners. One particular question was asked to them…

“Boys, the world is curious…are you single?” Ryan asked.

                Dylan, David and Drake looked at each other. Is it time to reveal the truth?


                Will the boys say YES…or NO? One last beat to go! ^^

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