21st Beat: The DARK Day

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City Open Stadium.

                Everyone was busy and excited! Finally, it’s Music Planet’s Open Concert! It will be a star-studded event as many artists are going to perform. It will also be LOM’s 1st ever LIVE performance in an open concert after 2 years of hiatus. Meanwhile, our boys are doing some final rehearsals at their music studio.

                David’s voice was its best condition while Drake and Dylan were also energetic, too. Manager Hyung was also there, making sure that everything is fine. After their rehearsals, the boys visited Drake’s father in the hospital. He has been confined there for many weeks now…

“Boys, give your best shot!” Drake’s father tried his best to sound strong to cheer for the boys.

“We will, Dad! Our performance is for you.” Drake held on to Father’s  hand. Mr. Lee held it firmly at he smiled at his son.

                Later, they bade each other goodbye. After Drake, Dylan and David went out, Mr. Lee called Manager Hyung to stay.

“Hyung…” the manager used Hyung to address Mr. Lee since they became close to each other. “Any problem?”

                Mr. Lee took a deep breath and was unable to speak for a while.

“Dad is suffering right now. His condition is getting worse.” Derrick, Drake’s older brother was the one who broke the silence. Derrick was controlling himself from crying,

                Mr. Lee and Manager Hyung looked at each other. Manager looked in disbelief. The older man (Mr.Lee) nodded.

“I didn’t tell this to Drake. I don’t want him to be worried. I want him to be focused on their performance tonight. But, I know my condition isn’t getting better. If anything happens, please take good care of my son. I leave him in your hands.” Mr. Lee tried to continue but he was getting weaker.

“Hyung…. Don’t say that. You’re going to get well.” Manager bowed down. He is on the verge of crying.

“Please… please take care of Drake..” Mr.Lee tried to smile.

                Manager held firm on Mr.Lee’s hands. He gave him a nodding look, assuring him that he’ll take care of Drake.


                At last, the open concert started! There were many people at the open stadium. Most of them were from fanclubs of the performers. The most number of fans were Dimensioners. 3D Brothers were the much awaited performers on the said event. Then it was LOM’s turn. The Nymphs, LOM’s fanclub was ecstatic. Their fanchant was loud enough to be heard by LOM themselves. Janus & Phoebus smiled as they were happy that many are still supporting them. They delivered an excellent performance. After their performance, David and Phoebus shared a brotherly hug.

“’Man, those high notes, huh?” David joked and imitated Phoebus high notes. They laughed.

LOM boys bade goodbye and 3D Brothers got ready for the performance. As they were about to go onstage, someone called Manager Hyung.  It seems that the call was serious. He secretly looked at Drake. Then he went few meters away. He was whispering on the other end of the phone. As he and person on the other end of the phone were talking, Manager’s face turned pale. He shook his head, then bowed down. He seemed upset.


“Don’t try to give up.. Just hold on and look up..” David’s voice echoed through the open stadium and loud fanchants can also be heard. Drake was bobbing his head up as he was playing the organ. Dylan was also rocking his head as he was hitting the drums.

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