10th Beat: Revelation-The REAL Dimensioners speak out!

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The 3D Brothers were upset on how their “fans” reacted. It’s their very first time to experience that kind of violent reaction from Dimensioners. Usually, they are really supportive, rational and calm. However, Drake thought of something..

“Wait, are sure that the DIMENSIONERs were the one who did that? For many years, Dimensioners have been protective about us.. but they are never rude.” Drake said as he was viewing the videos and pics of what happened.

“So, what are you trying to point out? David asked sternly as he was checking his tweets.

“Maybe.. they are not really Dimensioners? Just mere new fans?” Drake answered.

                Dylan was silent. He himself was gravely surprised on the Dimensioners’ attitude towards  Rhoyce.


                The girls had a sleep-over at Rhoyce’s pad. Rhoyce is still upset on what just happened.  She opted not to open her social network accounts. She wants some peaceful time.  Suddenly, Eunhye saw something on Twitter..

“Girls! Look at this!” Eunhye said as she showed some tweets to the girls. Here are the tweets:

@DimensionersOfficial: we humbly apologize to @princess_eyes27 for what happened. Yet, we wanna clarify that TRUE DIMENSIONERS will NEVER do that. For years, we have been respecting 3D boys’ personal lives. We wouldn’t do anything rude. We are deeply saddened by this. But please do not hate the Dimensioners. Peace out! – 5 minutes ago, via Twitlonger

@DimensionersLuv3D- We are the REAL DIMENSIONERs and we won’t tolerate  flirt girls hanging out with our BOYS!- 3 minutes ago

@lazytracy: this is TRACY YOON, President of DIMENSIONERs OFFICIAL, the Official club of the DIMENSIONERs. Please don’t believe anyone who claims to be DIMENSIONER yet bashes other people. – 1 minute ago.

“What the heck! So this means that there are REAL DIMENSIONERs and fake DIMENSIONERs?” Eunhye stated after reading the tweet.

“Well, it seems like that.” Shine answered. “ and it looks like the Fake Dimensioners were the ones who bullied Rhoyce.” She added.

                They waited for more tweets. There seems to be Dimensioners Official and another fanclub who also goes by the name Dimensioners. The Dimensioners Official tweeted apologetic messages to Rhoyce while the other group seems to defend what they did to Rhoyce.

                Eunhye and Shine were getting confused on who the real Dimensioners are and who are the Fakers. They didn’t know that there is a rift/conflict between the TRUE fans and those who are just PRETENDING to be.  Rhoyce on the other hand was quiet.  It’s too hard to comprehend or understand anything. It’s all too much now. All she want is PEACE.


                The BOYS were eating dinner at their pad (they are living together remember?), discussing about the upcoming WAC (War Against Cancer) Collaboration album. Drake and David were careful not to talk about the recent bullying incident..

“We will have 2 songs in the album, plus a general song with all the artists in the album.” Dylan said as he shows the official tracklist to Drake and David.

Their two songs are Fight Within and Hold On, Carry On. Hold On, Carry On is the song which Shine and David worked on through their Twitter sessions (Ep 8 remember? ^^)

“We will record the song 2 days from now. So we better practice it now.” David added.

“Yes. We must give our best.” Dylan nodded.

                Suddenly, Drake tapped Dylan’s arm.  He showed him something, a Tweet. Dylan seriously looked at Drake. So, all this time, Drake is secretly  checking tweets?

“Oops! Calm down bro! Don’t scold me.. I just wanna check what’s going on.” He said at Dylan and smiled.

“So, have you found out something?” Dylan asked. Drake nodded.

“Someone tweeted you.” He answered.

                They opened the link and discovered the on-going fanwar. But what caught their attention was a tweet to them by someone.. it’s Tracy Yoon, President of DIMENSIONERs OFFICIAL.

@lazytracy: dear @GameWIthDave @DeepBlueSea @PrinceChoi_07, we’re sorry for what happened to what happened with @princess_eyes07. We sincerely apologize. We  condemn those unruly actions towards her. We firmly  believe a REAL DIMENSIONER won’t do that. Let us also clarify that those who mobbed, attacked and bullied Ms. Park were NOT member of DIMENSIONERs OFFICIAL. We won’t tolerate those childish actions. We are here to support You and not bully others. Please don’t get angry with us. – 5 minutes ago, via Twitlonger

“See? I told Yah!” Drake uttered after they all read the tweet.

“I have been thinking about it too.  I was surprised with how they acted recently.” Dylan answered. “

“So they are not really Dimensioners. They’re just pretending to be FANS.” David quickly pointed out.

                They all nodded.


                The following morning, the girls were reading the daily newspaper when Shine spotted something..

“Girls, look. The Dimensioners Official issued a public apology and official statement about what happened. It’s published here in the newspaper.” Shine showed the page where the official statement was published. Rhoyce and EUnhye read it.

“So, it’s not really the DIMENSIONERs who did that? At least, they issued a formal apology.I can’t believe that even fans have fakers.” Eunhye spoke after reading the statement.

“I hope it ends it all.” Rhoyce said after a long moment of silence.


                The boys were grateful after reading the published apology in newspaper. They felt the sincerity among the REAL fans. They even paid for a page just to show they are really sad by what happened.

“Finally. It ends now.” David said.

                Suddenly, Drake’s phone rang..

“Hello! “ Drake answered the phone. “ Oh.. What?? What happened to Appa (father)?”

                Drake seemed worried after receiving the call.

David and Dylan looked at each other. Something must be wrong.

                As soon as Drake put down the phone, he broke into tears…

“Appa!” was all he was able to say.

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