4th Beat: All-Access

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The 3D Boys (along with their manager) sat at the table beside the girls’ table. They all smiled at them. Shine, Eunhye and Rhoyce just nodded, trying to hide their excitement. The boys ordered coffee (contrary to what others expected that they will drink liquor). The girls just kept quiet while others respected the managers request; NO PICTURES ALLOWED.

                As the girls were about to leave the coffee shop, the manager stopped them. He smiled at Shine.

“Hi, Miss Lee. You’re one of the staff of TEC hotel right?”

                Shine nodded.

“Yes Sir.”

                David was looking intently at her.

“Well then, we’ll see each other more often  while we’re in the hotel.” He joked.

                Shine just smiled. As they were about to walk, the manager noticed that Dylan was looking down.

“Whatcha lookin’ at boy?” the manager asked.

                Dylan smiled and winked at Rhoyce.

“Shoelace.” He answered. It was then that Rhoyce got the point. Dylan was looking at her shoelace! He remembered her! She secretly blushed.

“Shoelace…what?” David asked, still not understanding what Dylan was talking about.

                Dylan shook his head..

“No. Never mind.” He said then smiled.

                Just as the girls were about to leave, Drake belted his solo “Beauty and Life.” Eunhye looked back and was surprised to see him. He secretly winked at her.

One Thing is for sure: The BOYS recognized them!


                The following morning, Eunhye woke up early. She was hired as the official Photo-G for the Press Conference. Shine was also busy because she was supervising the preparation for the said event. Rhoyce was also there because she will cover the event. Before the press con, 3D Brothers’ management requested to meet the people who will be involved in the event through breakfast meeting. They will have briefings, reminders and last minute instructions.  Of course, the girls are included!

                They were at the function hall, facing each other at the round table. Eunhye was intently listening to the manager. She didn’t notice that Drake was looking at her every now and then. Once, she tried to catch a glimpse of him-only to find him staring at her! He playfully looked away and whistled like a young boy. He just stopped whistling when Dylan reprimanded him.

“Hey! Listen!” Dylan said.

                Rhoyce was busy taking down notes on her  galaxy tab.  She was busy getting all the details. Suddenly, she unconsciously peeked at Dylan. She was surprised when she also caught him staring at her! His right hand was placed on his chin and cheek and was smiling. Rhoyce felt conscious so she pretended to cough. Dylan  secretly smiled and looked back at their manager. David saw him and elbowed him.

“hyung! Concentrate!” David whispered.

                After the briefing session, the boys headed upstairs to change outfit. Before they went up, David casually thanked Shine.



 The Pavilion was filled with press people, both in print media and broadcast media (TV and radio).  They were all so excited to see the boys! The three arrived wearing black suits and respectfully bowed at the crowd. EUnhye was standing near the stage. Rhoyce was sitting in front, carefully taking down notes on every detail. Shine was standing nearby, looking at the every detail, ensuring that everything is going well as planned.

                The press people asked questions and the boys answered them in an entertaining yet respectful manner. They were so kind to the people that they started to like them. During the interview, it became evident that Dylan and Drake were more outspoken than the lead vocalist, David.


                After the press con, the Boys headed to the shooting location. EUnhye organized all the things she needed. The boys gladly and happily posed for camera. Eunhye was motivated to take really cool shots. Suddenly, Drake approached her…

“Excuse me. Miss Kim. I have a small problem here.” Drake told her.

                EUnhye shifted her gaze for a while from her SLR to Drake’s face. She noticed he was having a hard time fixing his tie…

“Ah, I got it..” Eunhye stood up and casually fixed Drake’s necktie. Drake rubbed his hair like a young boy.

“Sorry  to disturb you.” Drake apologetically said.

“Uhm, it’s OK. “Eunhye smiled.


                The boys headed for the interview for Bizz and Buzz mag. Rhoyce successfully held the interview. As they were wrapping up the interview, the manager approached her…

“Miss Park.. An emergency occurred. The PA’s (personal assistant) had an urgent matter to settle. Could you do us some favor? Please assist the Boys esp. Dylan during the concert..I mean, onstage and backstage? Please? Sorry to bother you but we badly need your help.”

                Rhoyce was speechless for a while. It’s OK for her but…her publishers and boss,,,she needs her approval. Just as she was about to speak, her Big Boss came. It seems her Boss knows the matter. He gave her a nod of approval..


Hmmm…more all-access for our girls!

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