6th Beat: CONFLICTS..

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After the concert, 3D Brothers, the concert staff, Shine’s Boss, Mr. Hwang and of course, Shine, Rhoyce and Eunhye headed to the restaurant. Since Rhoyce was uber tired, Eunhye volunteered to drive for the girls.  They were silent even inside the restaurant. Drake took a photo and tweeted, “after concert fun!” 3D boys were still hyperactive even after the concert. They drank soju and ate their favorite dishes. While they were having fun, EUnhye’s phone rang. She excused herself to answer the call.


                “Hello!”  Eunhye spoke on the phone. It’s Harvey on the other line, her boyfriend

                “Eunhye! Where you at?”  Harvey sounded serious.

                “Oh, I’m still out. At a restaurant after the concert.”

                “Go home now.” Harvey commanded. “I want you to go home NOW.” He seemed to emphasize the last word.

                “But…the staff members are still here. Besides, it’s still part of the job!” Eunhye protested.

                “I repeat. Go home NOW.” Harvey sounded more irritated. “I’ll fetch you. Just wait for me.”

                “No. You don’t have to. I can go home alone.” Eunhye was already agitated too. She put down the phone and went back inside. She politely bade others goodbye.


                “What happened with Eunhye?” Rhoyce asked upon noticing that EUnhye left early.

                “Harvey called. “ Shine answered. That was all Rhoyce needed to hear and she knew the answer. Harvey doesn’t like it when Eunhye is doing some fangirl things. For him, it was nonsense. He doesn’t support EUnhye’s love for 3D Brothers.


“I’m glad you listened to me,” Harvey said. Eunhye was surprised to see him at her condo unit. Duh! He even went there just to check and make sure she goes home right away. Eunhye didn’t speak. Instead she just looked at Harvey.

“I don’t want you to get hooked up with that 3D Brothers.” Harvey frankly said. Eunhye didn’t like it and made her more furious.

“What’s wrong with me, liking and supporting 3D Brothers? Will you just respect it?” She answered. She was trying to keep her cool to avoid conflict.

“But you’re not a teen anymore! Worse, you’re spending too much time and effort with those trying-hard musicians!

                Boom! Harvey mentioned something FOUL. “Trying-hard musicians”. It’s an insult.

Eunhye got really angry with this.

“Aren’t you being too selfish? What’s wrong with you? If you don’t have something good to say, just shut up!” she said. “This conversation is going nowhere. Let’s just call it a night.” She added and went upstairs.


Shine went home and immediately opened her twitter account. Some tweets caught her attention.

@PrinceChoi_07: (Dylan)what a night! That was a blast! Thanks people! And also to our “backstage angel”, thank you!” -15 minutes ago.

 (Dylan was referring to Rhoyce who acted as their PA backstage).

@deepbluesea: (drake) Thank you DIMENSIONERS! Our Vagrancy concert was a blast!

- 10 minutes ago.

@GamewithDave :(david) Cheers! Thank u DIMENSIONERS!!! Til next time- 9 minutes ago.

@princess_eyes27: (rhoyce) Uggh! Uber tired but happy! My heart jumps for joy! ^^- 8 minutes ago

@savinggrace1015: (eunhye) Aishh. ALMOST a PERFECT night. ALMOST. Apparently, sm1 ruined it!

– 5 minutes ago

                Shine immediate called EUnhye to ask her what’s wrong.


“Harvey is disapproving our love for 3D again.”Eunhye answered when Shine called her.

“Oh no! He’s like that again? Don’t you think he’s getting jealous of Drake?

“What the…” Why should he be jealous? We’re together.. besides, I am just an ordinary fangirl for Drake!”

“I hope he won’t stop you from admiring 3D.” Shine seriously said.

*Their conversation ended abruptly. RHoyce was missing in action. She was so tired after being 3D’s “backstage angel”..(the term used by Dylan for her).. Besides, even Eunhye and Shine are exhausted after the concert



                Eunhye woke up and saw early morning  message from her Boyfriend, Harvey. She read it. “Good morning. I’ll pick you up today for work…and don’t you dare go with other fangirls to the the airport to send those 3D boys home.”

                Eunhye clenched her fist. Is her bF starting a fight? No, scratch that.. a world war! He’s going against the boys!  O-ow.. the conflict continues..

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