2nd Beat- 3D's online bonding with the FanGirls

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The negotiation between the company Shine is working (The Elite Club) and 3D’s company, GalaxyMusic wrapped up successfully. Their hotel will be the official residence of the boys on their concert tour plus their entire staff. The concert producer, Sonic Production will also deal with TEC (The Elite Club). Shine tried to hide her excitement but she’s squealing deep inside. At last! She’ll see the LOVE of her life- DAVID CHO!


                Eunhye and Rhoyce were together after the meeting with a company. Their fangirl hearts are going to explode! Guess what?!!! Galazxy Music and Sonic Production has hired Bizz and Buzz as the Official Magazine partner for 3D’s Vagrancy Concert Tour! Bizz and Buzz was also granted an all-access for the concert tour since they will cover the said event for next month’s magazine issue- which means 1.) Rhoyce will have a sit-down interview with the boys

2. She will have a backstage pass for her coverage of the 3d Vagrancy tour

*Yay! Plus…. EUnhye was hired as the OFFICIAL PHOTO-G of the said event which means she will have as much access as Rhoyce!

The girl were rejoicing on their way home when they received a message from Shine. Eunhye read it aloud. “Girls. It’s OFFICIAL! OmG! Just OMG! We wrapped up a deal with 3D’s company for their concert tour! Prepare for an all-access, baby! David , here I come!”

                Eunhye and Rhoyce shared a high-five. 3D’s Vagrancy concert tour is gonna be a blast!


EUnhye was in her studio, studying the latest pics she took for a promo of a latest TV drama. Then she took a sample in her instagram. Few minutes later she received a notification: PrinceChoi_07 LIKED his photo on Instagram. She smiled. PrinceChoi_07 is none other than Dylan Choi! She texted Rhoyce about it.


Meanwhile, Shine was rejoicing as she received an RT from charming pretty boy, Drake Lee!


Rhoyce refreshed her Twitter page. Is there an error or what? It says “GamewithDave followed you”…meaning DAVID CHO followed her! Then she received a DM from David. It says “I read a line from your tweet 2 days ago. I think that could start a good song.”

Rhoyce was shaking. DAVID just sent her a message! Well, Dylan might be her LOVE but DAVID is still the band’s lead vocalist! Who wouldn’t be so happy about that?!!


“Cheers!” the 3 girls said in unison as they lifted up their glasses.  They meet together to share latest developments on the 3D Vagrancy Tour and also with the latest buzz on their fangirl life.

“How’s your Instagram sessions with MY Dylan?” Rhoyce said jokingly.

“Well, he just liked my latest photo.” EUnhye casually said. “How about you, Shine? How’s your twitter sessions with MY Drake, huh?

“He replied to my tweets this morning.” Shine answered before looking at Rhoyce. “and You, miss Editor? I heard MY DAVID followed you on Twitter.

Rhoyce sipped her soju before speaking. “Uhm, He just said he liked the 1st line of my tweets. It can an opening line of their song. Nothing more.” She smiled. The girls kept quiet for a while. But when the song Fallen was played on the speakers, they all sang along. Oh… fangirls!


On with the boys, David was checking the DM Rhoyce sent him. She just sent him the poem she wrote. David showed it to Dylan.

“The song is good huh? Maybe we can include this in our new album. I wanna meet her.” Dylan smiled.

“That’s exactly what I am thinking.”David said. “Hyung, I also read the message sent to you by @shine_a_light (shine’s twitter). I think she’s a sensible person. I wanna meet her. “David smiled.

“Maybe we can meet them. I wanna meet your Instagram friend too, Dylan! Her pics are nice.” Drake said.

*Little did the girls know that they created a good impression to their boys! ^^

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