8th Beat: Twitter Buddies?

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After the girl bonding sessions, Shine went home and as always, opened her twitter account. She got the biggest and most awesome surprise of her life- @GameWithDave just followed her on Twitter! Much more, he sent her a DM (direct message)

@GameWithDave: Hello! I keep on seeing Drake hyung retweeting your quotes. Maybe we can use them as lyrics for our new songs.^^ BTW (by the way), say hello to RHoyce for me.

                Shine was hyperventilating upon reading the DM.

“OmD!! Oh my David! He just followed me on Twitter!” she said as she screencapped the message and the notification that said that David is already following her on Twitter! She tweeted him again

@shine_a_light: Goodnight, @GameWithDave =))

                She slept with a smile on her face.


“So you already followed her on Twitter, huh?” Dylan said as he trying a new song on his guitar (All of them know how to play guitar.)

“Yes. You like the quotes that she’s posting right?” Drake said watching the footages of their recent concert.

                David just nodded while scrolling down Shine’s twitter profile.

“You’re also following our backstage angel right?” Drake asked again, while grinning at Dylan.

“Backstage angel?” David was clueless.

“ Miss Park. The Editor.” Drake answered.

“Ah, yeah..yeah. She has nice quotes too .Do you think she’s related to Shine?”

“Ah..I guess so. I have seen them together. Maybe they’re buddies.” Drake answered.

                David  let out a deep breath. He started taking down quotes which can be used for their songs.


MORNING. Shine was so happy to tweet..

@shine_a_light: Good morning world! Be inspired and be an inspiration! Have fun @GameWithDave!


                3D Brothers band is rehearsing for a musical festival it is one of the SPECIAL GUEST PERFORMERS. Dylan was wearing gray sando (sleeveless shirt) and black jogging pants while wearing his cap to the reverse side (badboy style). Drake was on his usual white hoodie and denim shorts while David was wearing a beanie, black shirt an eyeglass and denim pants. They were rehearsing 5 songs when their band manager arrived. He asked for a break..

“Boys, I have an important announcement.” Manager Hyung said as he looked at the boys. The boys looked curiously at Manager Hyung.

“You will record two tracks for a special collaboration album for WAC (War Against Cancer) campaign. You will have to choose from your compositions” manager hyung continued. The boys nodded. As soon as David heard this, he opened his Galaxy tab and sent DMs.


The recipient of David’s DMs were actually for Shine and Rhoyce. But since Rhoyce was uber busy for the special issue of Bizz&Buzz, Shine was the one who answered David’s DM. Since that day, they were sending messages to each other for one goal- to compose a new song.


                Few days passed. Through DMs, David and Shine were able to complete the lines of the new song.  David encoded and printed it then showed to his bandmates.

“Nice lyrics huh?” Dylan complimented as he read the lyrics.

“Yeah, thanks to  Shine. He helped me with this.” David answered.

“Well, that’s good.” Drake casually said as he took the paper, sat in front of his keyboards and started working on the melody and rhythm.


                After three days, the whole DIMENSIONERS world were surprised when David tweeted with the link..

@GameWithDave: Guys! We have a surprise 4 y’all! Check it out! Tnx @shine_a_light..Htpp.. (the link)

                Eunhye opened the link and listened to the sample of the NEW song (chorus part only)

“OmG!! Shine! Your song with David is already done!” Eunhye happiy shared the good news to Shine through texting her.

“ What?? For real?” Shine replied the opened her Twitter account. She looked for David’s tweets and listened to the song on the link. She was speechless. Immediately, she tweeted David.

@shine_a_light: that was awesome @GamewithDave! Two thumbs up!!


                David’s link was retweeted almost a thousand times by the Dimensioners. They are excited for the new song! That evening, Shine received a DM, again from David..

“Thanks a lot for your help =))”


Meanwhile, DIMENSIONERS were still searching who that BACKSTAGE ANGEL is..and somebody just spotted RHOYCE on one of the pics! Prepare for trouble, Rhoyce!

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