5th Beat: The BIG Night

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7:00 pm. This is IT! The concert night! The concert venue was jampacked. The Dimensioners were far from quiet. As the LED screen was flashing 3D Bros.’ endorsements and CFs (commercial films), they were screaming. They were so eager to see the BOYS perform live. Then, the moment of truth came. Lights went off. The Dimensioners turned on their official lightstick: White. Then, the opening VCR was played. The screen first featured Drake, playing keyboards beside a fountain. Next was Dylan, who was doing some martial arts before catching his drumsticks. Finally, the screen revealed David, walking silently, then a light flashed and he was teleported to the Big Dome, in front of thousands of fans. As the VCR ended, the lights turned to red…then a voice was heard… “Welcome to VAGRANCY CONCERT: Renegade brothers on tour.”

Then, a giant oval stage was slowly being pulled down from top. That oval stage revealed the BOYS!-Dylan, sitting on his drumset, Drake, standing and playing his keyboard and David, holding on to the mic stand as he stared soulfully at the audience. When the oval stage finally reached the centerstage, the boys started playing their 1st song of the night-Starry Night. The audience went crazy!


“La..la..la.. The stars above,,,” Eunhye was happily singing along with the band as they played their 1st ever hit. She was seated at the front row and was busy taking photos with her SLR (she’s the OFFICIAL photo-G, remember? ^^). Beside her was Shine who was also singing along. Suddenly, Shine noticed something..

‘Where’s Rhoyce?” she asked.

“Uhm..she’s backstage..” Eunhye answered while still looking at Drake.

“Huh? Why is she there?”

“She’ll feature some backstage moments..and I heard the manager requested her to assist the boys.”

“OmG! You mean she’s backstage? Assisting them?? Lucky girl!”

“Hmm. Not so lucky dear. RHoyce told me, she’ll act like a P.A for tonight.” Eunhye said.

“Well.. not so bad. I bet Rhoyce doesn’t mind being Dylan’s P.A for tonight.” Shine smilingly said.


“Good evening Dimensioners!” David stopped for a while to greet the audience. “Are you having fun?”

                                The audience cheered and waved their lighsticks.

“Well, we hope we’ll all rock out tonight!” David smiled as he turned to Dylan. The three boys nodded at each other before Dylan hit his drumsticks together as signal for the next song- Runaway, the 2nd single from their latest album, Vagrancy. The fans sang along the band, making David stop for a while. He let the audience sing the lines. It was evident that majority of the crowd knows the said song. The band played 7 songs. Then, the lights turned off again. The LED screen featured a solo VCR of DRAKE… it’s time for SOLO performances.


                As Drake was preparing for his solo, Dylan rushed down to the waiting room backstage. He changed outfit from their black matrix get-up. He is now wearing black tuxedo and necktie. Rhoyce assisted him in fixing himself. She’s acting like a P.A now while taking down details for the magazine. After he was ready, Dylan smiled at Rhoyce and said, “Thanks.”


                Loud cheers welcomed Drake as he went upstage for his solo. He was wearing blue plaids, black pants and hat. He isn’t standing near his keyboard. This time, he was wearing a lapel and an earpiece. He danced and sang to Chris Brown’s DJ’s Got Us Falling Inlove Again. Before he finished his solo, he went near Eunhye and secretly winked at her.


                “Omo!!! Sis, have you seen it? He winked at me!” Eunhye was so happy. Shine smiled at her

                “Calm down! Yeah I saw it.” Shine smiled at her friend who was undeniably happy.


                The solo VCR for Dylan was played next. Rhoyce stayed near the stage to catch a glimpse of her bias’ performance. Then, Dylan went upstage. He was wearing tuxedo and tie, looking like a real prince and gentleman. He belted out “Jesus Take the Wheel” by Carrie Underwood. The fans were singing along. Rhoyce hurriedly returned to backstage after Dylan’s solo.


                “That was great!” Shine exclaimed after watching Dylan’s solo. “Rhoyce should have watched it. I wonder if she was able to see it.” She said and looked around, hoping to find her.

“Well, i am pretty sure she saw it. I spotted her at the side of the stage. She was smiling while her prince was performing.” EUnhye answered, pointing to the spot where she saw Rhoyce.

Their conversation  stopped when the screen flashed David’s solo VCR. Shine was intently watching it. When the VCR ended, the stage revealed David, wearing white unbuttoned polo, black undershirt and pants. He was carrying an acoustic guitar. He sat on his stool and performed the acoustic version of The Script’s The Man Who Can’t Be Moved.

                Shine was amazed as she was watching him. Eunhye teasingly tickled her side.

“Mesmerized, ei?” she joked at Shine.

                David looked at the section where Shine was seated and smiled… Shine knew- he was smiling DIRECTLY at HER!


                After the solo performances, the LED screen played 3D Brothers’ previous music videos. Then, they went back for their 2nd set- performing the hits from their 1st and 2nd albums.  For the 3rd set, they played new and remix versions of their 5 Biggest hits; SOLITUDE, SCARED, ARMOR, BROKEN DOWN and their latest- VAGRANCY.

                The audience watched in awe and amazement. 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

The concert  ended with the boys walking around and playing waterguns with the crowd. They thanked them wholeheartedly. As the show ended, Eunhye and Shine rushed down backstage.


                “Congratulations!” Eunhye and Shine greeted the boys. They were sitting and resting.

“Thank you so much!” the boys said altogether.

                Shine and Eunhye were secretly searching for Rhoyce. They found her in a corner, sitting while typing on her tab. She looks tired. They greeted her and handled her a bottled water. She just smiled at them. The usual jolly and lively editor seems exhausted tonight. They were about bade others goodbye when suddenly, Shine’s boss arrived.

“Everybody, let’s have a meal together!” he announced.

The girls smilingly looked at each other.. O-ow. This is gonna be a long night…it’s far from over! ^^


Beats of LOVETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon