Crow 15

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 Yoruichi: So... How long have they been like this?

 Kuroka: Honestly, I stopped counting Nya.

 Two black cats standing together, arms crossed as they watch the man they call a friend seriously talking to his latest creation. Both are seated in a chair with cups beside them, Y/N with coffee and Aizen with tea. The conversation was long, the creator explained how the magic of this world worked for his creation, along with information from important people and future plots.

 Yoruichi had arrived from her mission in the meantime, only to find Y/N already in this conversation as he asked Kuroka to help him explain the magic sometimes. It's hard to explain something you don't have, Y/N could be very powerful but the amount of magic in his body is the same as before his reincarnation... nothing, in terms of magic he is even weaker than Issei without boost.

 Y/N: That's all I can explain to you for now.

 Aizen: Using the memory implant method would be much easier to show me information, don't you think?

 Y/N: Well I would do that, but you decided to complete yourself so I didn't have a chance.

 Aizen: I see...

 Yoruichi: Have the two big brains finished their conversation?

 An annoyed tone came out of Yoruichi when she noticed a opportunity to get their attention, if she didn't, this conversation would be far from over. And she finally managed to get their attention, they stared at her, looking confused as if they were wondering the reason for her angry look.

 Yoruichi: You guys have been talking over there for so long that you didn't even notice us standing here for almost half an hour!

 Y/N: Yoru-chan! My first and greatest creation is alive!

 Yoruichi: I noticed.

 Y/N: Although his methods were forced, he self-completed using the power I've already given him. That speed things up a bit, but it doesn't mean it's a bad thing.

 Aizen: I feel like you will become dependent on my help.

 Y/N: I don't like lies so... I will.

 Yoruichi: And what's the next step genius? Are you going to create someone else?

 Y/N: Yes! With you and Aizen on my side, I can make the right selection process for the right people to create.

 Y/N got up from his chair, using his shunpo to disappear from the place, everyone looked confused with this sudden action after all he didn't explain where he was going. But it wasn't long before he returned with a roll of paper in his hand, which he spread out on the table, long enough for them to realize that it was a list of names and faces along with a brush of red paint. But it was interesting to note that only shinigamis were present on the list.

 Y/N: My quincy powers are not at my disposal to be able to create quincys. As for hollows, in my experiences, I realized that hollows and Hueco Mundo already exists naturally in this world, I don't need to create them. Although I don't understand how they exist.

 Aizen: Hollows were never connected to the soul king, the Hueco Mundo existed even before he created the worlds we know. As for the quincys and shinigamis, they came from the soul king, which means that for these beings to be born here, the soul king in this world needs to create them.

 Yoruichi looked at his friend when she heard this, she immediately understood what Aizen meant, the creation of two races and worlds is completely available to Y/N now. She would never really know how to handle this responsibility, the power to create worlds is in his hands and he doesn't even know how to use it, making mistakes is easy with that fact and Y/N is afraid of making mistakes.

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