rule seven: let loose sometimes

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Dedicated to cinnamon_cherry for her support the other day when I was faced with a particularly vicious hater on my account (for those who missed it, a lovely account sprung up that was dedicated to telling the world how truly shocking I am as a writer and as a person). The lovely user above and several more of you sprung to my defense, and I owe you the world for the support. You guys are what make writing on Wattpad worth it, even when the odds were against me. Thank you to those who sent her messages, those who posted support on my message board, and those who messaged me privately with messages of support. It’s nice to know that no matter what, you guys have my back, just as I’ll always have yours.


            Thanks for reminding me why I started on this website and why I continue to write on here. Because no matter what the haters say, my friends like you guys have got my back. Love you guys for always and for ever. :)





            Budapest by George Ezra – the yoga class with Ava and Candice

            If You Ever Want to Be In Love by James Bay  - When Will and Candice talk

“Tell me again why I let you drag me to Buddha central?” Ava asked, groaning lightly as she twisted into the downward dog and braced her hands on the yoga mat beneath her.

            At the front of the room, my yoga instructor, Bonnie, chimed in a soothing voice for us to switch down into the striking cobra.

            “Because it’s good for calming nerves,” I told her, moving into the position with ease. “And considering how much you’ve thrown yourself into the position of self-appointed wedding organizer, I figured I should give you a place to let loose before you go gray.”

            She huffed and struggled to lift her legs behind her and hold her weight at the same time. “I didn’t realize you’d become some kind of zen master.”

            I shrugged. “It helps a lot. If I’m ever feeling overworked or stressed, it calms me down. Stops me from wanting to punch a hole through the wall.”

            “And I’m guessing now is a stressful time for you?”

            “Sure,” I told her, standing up and brushing off my yoga pants as we were instructed to resume the tree position. “Everyone knows wedding planning is a stressful time.”

            Ava chuckled ruefully and held her hands out as she wobbled off-balance. “Oh, come on. You and I both know that’s not the stress I’m talking about.”

            I breathed out a breath and pushed my hair back, trying to feign innocence in order to ignore the awkward conversation I knew would eventually arise.

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