rule sixteen: we all go a little crazy sometimes

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Soundtrack (and since this was such an up and down chapter there are lots):

Video Games by Lana Del Rey - the opening hospital scene

Love Is A Fire by Courrier - when the notice comes and they discuss the bar

Make Me Wanna Die by The Pretty Reckless - when they arrive at the bar

Three Wishes by The Pierces - when Will and Candi fight

Signs by Bloc Party - when Candi walks into the bathroom and sees Will (also the very end scene with the doctor)

~ * ~

"How the hell did this happen?" I asked, stumbling into the emergency room where my friends were waiting. My head was already pounding, and I found it strange that my brain was currently a mix of completely drunk and hung-over at the same time. My feet ached from my heels, my dress was too tight (how the hell did I get into a dress, anyway?) and my hands were shaking. My face was sticky from tears, and not even the comfort of having Luke's arm around me was enough to stop the thickness in my throat and the croak to my words.

Shae looked up at me and sniffed, shaking her head. Her hair was a mess and her artsy shirt was rumpled. "I don't know. I'm so sorry, Candice."

I collapsed into a chair with Luke next to me, and he draped his mustard-colored jacket over my shoulders. Somewhere along the way I'd lost my leather one, but I didn't have it in me to mourn the fifty dollars wasted (or the fact my phone was still with it).

Ava appeared at the end of a corridor holding a cup of coffee, and she rushed over to me. It was hard not to notice the fact she was barefoot, and I wondered what had happened to her stilettoes. She shoved the Styrofoam into my hands and patted my hair. Her mascara and lipstick were smudged, and her green eyes were filled with worry.

"Here, drink this, it'll make you feel better," she whispered. I sniffed and lifted the cup to my lips, taking a sip of the bitter liquid.

My hands shook violently, and when I noticed the blood still staining my fingers, my stomach lurched and I thought I might throw up. I handed it back to her, knowing I would drop it if I held onto it any longer.

"This is a mess," I whispered, burying my face in my hands and letting out another sob. I could smell the residual scent of tequila mixed with the coppery tang of blood and the familiar smell of disinfectant from the waiting room. "How did everything get so complicated?"

I knew how, though. It had started with a drink at a club, which had turned into shots and dancing and loud techno music and sweaty bodies and lots of stairs and dirty toilet stalls.

It had disintegrated into my best friend making out with Luke in a bathroom, my phone disappearing at the most crucial moment, a stupid drunken fight, slippery floors and a fateful fall, and a man fighting for my honor.

There were eight people in the waiting room from our group, with two missing.

My first love.

My fiancé.

And both were currently fighting for their lives because of me.

~ * ~

Thirteen hours earlier...

The eviction letter came six days after the Winchester's visit, while I was deciding between butterscotch cake and red velvet for the wedding.

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