
832 93 12

Started-- DECEMBER 24, 2021

"Don't leave yet Y/N, you just got here."  I try to walk away back to the light that I got here from but the boys pulls me back, just like he does every time. Yet every time he does that I always yank away, just like now and walk into the light, leaving him here.


The ring of my alarm is the thing that wakes me from my recurring dream. I start to get ready for my classes while still processing my dream. The same dream i've been getting for the past two months. Always starting with me walking through a weird glowing light and waking up when I walk back into it. 

The key part to this recurring dream of mine is the boy. Never have I seen him other than in my dreams. He always try's to stop me from walking back into the light, and yet every single time I ignore him.

Do I regret leaving? Of course I do. Every single time I feel a little bit of guilt rise in my body every time I walk away. But why sound I feel bad? It's only a dream after all, and the boy in it isn't even real.

I throw some clothes on that hang up in my mini walk in closet, and walk out the door to my small apartment on the third floor.


"How come you always end up being late?" My best friend Taehyun asks me with a slight tone of annoyance in his voice as I sit down next to him. Our professor is mid-lecture and didn't even notice that I walked in 15 minutes late. 

I take my books out while ignoring the motherly look Taehyun is giving me from the side. I don't blame him though. I've been late for class for the past four weeks. The odd dreams for some reason have been messing with my sleep schedule, making me sleep through my alarm one too many times.

"Your worrying me Y/N" He said in a concerned voice. When I look back over at him,  the once grumpy face was replaced with a more serious one. He usually has a resting straight face, but this is different than those, with worry glinting in his eyes and hinted all over his face.

"I'm fine Tae, just sleeping through my alarm that's all. It's not like i'm gonna die or anything." you say trying to reassure him but only get a scoff back from him.

"Sure, it's totally normal to 'Sleep through your alarm' for a month straight." he replies snarkily before looking at our professor as she continues talking.


"Just tell me whats wrong Y/N, pleaseeee" Taehyun whined, sitting next to me on the couch as I just blocked him out and looked at my phone. This has been going on for the past fifteen minutes, him asking  what is wrong as I completely ignore him.

This whole plan of ignoring him was going to work so well. Right until he poked his finger slightly into the side of my cheek and giggling slightly as he does so, knowing that I hate people poking my cheeks. 

"Get. your.hand.off.me." I manage to say through gritted teeth but his finger stays there, touching my soft cheeks.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong." he said very obviously trying to get me worked up and it is working.

"For the last time Taehyun there is nothing wrong, why can't you just listen and stop asking when there is nothing!" I say harshly making his hand retract from where it previously rested on my cheek.

Then silence of the night fills the room between us until Taehyun stands up and grabs his jacket off the side of the couch.

"Where are you going?" I ask as he walks towards the door while putting his fleece jacket on.

"home, because if you won't tell me what your problem is there is obviously no reason for me to be here, while you get upset with me for being worried about you. See you Monday, unless you 'sleep in late' again."

He walks out of my apartment, slamming the door behind him. I don't understand what his problem is. How am I supposed to tell him whats wrong if I don't even know that myself.

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