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"What are you doing here?" I ask him as I shut the door behind him as he walks into my apartment. I don't really know why I let him in but it just ended up happening. I can't just leave him out there. But yet I should have, maybe he could have a taste of his own medicine.

"I came here to explain myself to you." He says sounding very sincere, but I can't just forgive him that easily. I mean, who would forgive someone that just abandoned them in an unknown place. 

"Well you must have a lot of explaining to do for just leaving me there all by myself and not even thinking to come back and get me." 

He gulped at my words, making his adam's apple bounce up and then back down to its original spot. I know that my objective was to just get straight to the point in this conversation, but scaring him was way more fun. 

But I still want answers. I want answers now. Like an answer to why he just left me there. Or maybe where he went. But my biggest question of all is what is going to happen with the two of us if this keeps going on, and if we will ever be able to stop it.

"ummmm" He started to say. I kept eye contact with him, waiting for him to continue talking but his eyes averted to the ground, he knows that i'm upset, upset at him. "It's complicated."

Is he joking. Because if I were him I would say some type of explanation right now or else he will be sorry. 

"Are you-"

I started to say but got cut off by another nock on my door. Well it seems that luck is in Heeseungs favor today because if there was no knock, he would be a Heeseung pancake by now. 

I sent him a small glare again before walking over back to the door and opening it. I honestly don't really know who I expected to be at the door when I opened it but I was happy with the result when I did.

There is Taehyun standing at my door with his signature smile on his face, and a brown bag in his hand.

He holds it up a little higher before saying "I brought sushi!"

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