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Heeseung's words are still in my mind as I sit on the couch in his apartment. Yes, his apartment. I guess that the place we somehow ended up with was his apartment building. His building looked much more better than mine, and so did his apartment. It honestly look much better than mine too, not just size wise, but trust me his apartment is much more big than mine, but also the decor. It is a very dark and calming setting with black and grey walls and nice candles lit around,  and thats just in his living room.

He walks back and sits next to me on the couch, handing me a bowl of ramen and I thank him. 

"Okay so NOW can you please explain to me what you meant earlier by different dimension?" I ask after taking a quick bite of  my ramen.

"So, we've seen each other in our dreams right?" he asks and I just nod while I chew quietly on my noodles. He continues talking. "So maybe we are connected somehow, like I showed up in your world or dimension or whatever you want to call it-"

"I like the world dimension, makes it sound more cool." I say cutting him off, just to continue eating my noodles.

He just laughs at my comment and continues talking, "So, as I was saying, I ended up in your dimension after you pulled me through the dream, and we both ended up in my dimension went we went in the elevator. So maybe if we do that again you can go back to your dimension."

I eat my last bight of noodles and looked at him for a second as he also finished up his noodles. How was he eating while talking? I have no idea. But I also have no idea what he was talking about. Like of course I was listening but I didn't understand it very well.

"So what you're saying is that id I just, fall asleep then I will be back in my....dimension?" I ask, because thats the only thing I really got out of what he said.

"I mean, it's worth a try..." 

I stand up and his eyes stay on me as I did so. "Alright then, so time for sleep." I said enthusiastically as he just smiles a little.

. . .

I can hear the rain falling outside as I lay down in a large bed. Heeseung let me sleep in one of his extra room. And to be honest it's a little scary in here. It's not like i'm complaining about it or anything but it was very dark and the thunder and lighting from the storm going on outside didn't help.  I hated thunder, I always have ever since I was a little girl. Whenever there were storms at night when I was little, I would always retreat to my parents room and stay in there for the night.

I obviously can't do that now. First off i'm too old to go to my parents when i'm scared, and also they are not even here right now. I'm in a completely different dimension than them, so even if I wanted to, there would be no way for me to see them.

A sudden loud thunder makes me scream a little, and hide myself in the blankets of the bed as if i'm a little girl.

I hear my door open but I ignore it, keeping my hear under the blankets. I feel the bed shift a little and something lightly pull then blanket from over my face.

"Are you okay Y/N?" I hear Heeseung say in a raspy voice. I can finally see him now that my head isn't covered with a blanket. He looks tired. His eyes open and close slowly as if he will fall asleep any second now. 

"I'm afraid of thunder" I say quietly, a little ashamed of it but he still seems to hear it. He lied down on my bed bringing me with him and resting my head on his chest.

"It's okay i'm here." he whispers while lightly rubbing his thumb over my cheeks, drying the tears that I didn't even realize were there. "Just go to sleep and forget about the storm okay? Because maybe when you wake up tomorrow you will be in your dimension, okay?"

His words are quiet and calming making me tired, and before I know it my eyes are shutting and i'm fast asleep.

. . .

My eyes flutter open and a light from a window immediately making me squint them from the sudden brightness. When my eyes finally adjust to the light I fully open them. But where exactly am I?

The room is very beautiful, nothing like i've ever been in before. It's sort of like a room from a fairytale. The bed that I am currently laying on is like 3x the size of my own bed, with a beautiful large gold comforter covering the whole bed. The room itself was very large also, having a large vanity that was also gold. Pretty much the whole room was decorated in gold and white.

I hear the door suddenly open, making me snap my head towards the door. A older looking woman with a maids uniform on enters the room and smiles at me.

"Oh thank goodness your awake princess." she says and walks over to what I think is a closet.

"Princess?" I ask myself and look around the room, just in case there is another person in here that she is talking to.

The lady walks out of the closet with a pretty purple dress. "The prince is here waiting for you near the woods for a walk with you, you musn't keep him waiting ma'am." She sets the dress down on the end of the bed and walks out of the room, closing the large door behind her.

I stand up from the bed and feel a rush of dizziness wave over me. I walk over to the end of the bed and pick up the dress and carefully put it on. I walk over to the mirror to see it, and I have to admit it, it's absolutely gorgeous. The top part that rested on the side of my shoulders and under my collar bone, and the part is covered in little flowers, until it stops at right under my chest, where it is just a dark purple color down to my waist. Where a long purple bow rested and the rest of the bottom dress was a soft silky wavy layer of dress that stops at my knees. 

I might not know where the heck I am currently, but I do know that the clothes here are very cute. 

. . .

I have no idea where I am but as soon as I ask someone to bring me to whoever this prince that wants to see me is, they immediately bow at me and call me things like ma'am and princess. Which is sort of creeping me out, like who do they think I am, and whoever it is must be really powerful.

Finally after asking several people that were I suppose working in this large place, that is about what seems to be as large as my college, which is saying a lot. But they lead me outdoors and I can finally get a glimpse of where I was. The outdoors was large and extravagent place with a huge fountain and fields of flowers. But the beautiful scenery wasn't even the best part about it. I turned around to see where exactly where I was and behind me was a large castle. With the castle the color of gold and white, just like it was on the inside.

I walk in the direction that I was told to meet this prince at until I finally reach it, and I see who this prince it. His back is facing me as he looks into the light woods so I don't know who it is, but from what I can see, he is quite handsome. He is wearing a white button up shirt and black dress pants. 

I'm finally close enough that I tap on his shoulder, gaining his attention. But when they turn around it's not exactly who I expected it to be.

I barely utter the words out as I whisper his name. "H-heeseung?"

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