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Night falls again all too quickly and neither of us are tired. Supposedly it is only Sunday night even thought it feels like a week has passed rather than only a weekend. But for it to be Sunday means that I have to face the dread and the fact that I have classes again tomorrow. Well, at least it will be a couple days to me due to the whole dimension ordeal.

Alas, on this dark night, me and Heeseung walk down the street. The moon is sparkling up in the middle of the sky. It's a full moon tonight so the moons light is a touch brighter than it is any other night.

"Where exactly are we going?" We continue walking down the street, not as busy as they are during the day, but there are still several people walking among us. After all, the night is still young.

While taking a small glance up at the sky and reply. "I don't know, wherever the road takes us." That, is partially true. I do like to wander, and sometimes I go wherever my mind takes me. Except this time it's different. By the scenery I see I know exactly where I am going.

After a couple more steps I stop walking. I can sense that Heeseung is now next to me but I decide not to look at him, but look forward instead.

"Why are we at a Cemetery?" He asks. Rather instead of replying I just walk forward, and he soon trails next to me again after a couple of seconds.

I know exactly what way to go. After being here so many times I guess its easy to memorize what way to go.

Here it is.

One of the several people that I have ever opened up to in my life.

"Hi sis" I whisper as my eyes start to get prickly with tears.

It's always hard coming here. Everyone says that after a little while it would get easier but it's still not.

It never will be.

The guilt makes it so I can never think of this as 'Normal'. Yes, death is just part of the circle of life, but her life wasn't ready to be ended.

I just stand there in silence looking at her grave, which is decorated with many flowers surrounding. 

Until he actually spoke I totally forgot he was here. "So this is your sister?"

I just nod and he lifts his arm and slides it over my shoulder.

"It's my fault she is here, if I didn't ask her to help me drive that day none of this would have happened." Then the tears come, without any control over them i just let it go.

He doesn't say anything in reply but brings me close and engulfs me in a hug.

|| Hello everyone, i'm sorry for not publishing in so long, but i've been busy with so many things lately and I just needed to take a break for a little while, Honestly i'm thinking about ending this soon since I have a feeling that it's time to end it soon. After this one i'm thinking of writing s Seventeen story, I don't know if anyone will like it but I really want to write it. This story has gotten way much more attention that I thought it would so I would like to just thank everyone for voting and reading. It means a lot. Love you all!!||

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