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We are all in my kitchen, sitting at my 4 person table that is in there in case anyone comes over. It usually never gets used, but since there is three of us now instead of just me and Taehyun like it usually is. He seems happy to have Heeseung to hang out with also as he is currently talking and joking around with him as if they have known each other as if they have been friends for years.

Heeseung looks a little bit on edge. Which he should be. He made me mad and anyone that makes me mad knows not to mess with me. He may have only known me for a couple of days so far but I think he has got the memo.

"Are you alright Y/N?" I didn't even realize that I have been blanking out for the past couple of minutes until Taehyun calls me back to reality. Both of the boys are looking at me now and I make eye contact with both of them and smile, reassuring them that I am fine. It was mostly to reassure Taehyun, since he gets very worried about me easily. He has always been protective of me, but in the last couple of months he has become even more than usual.

"Yup, just a little tired." I say. He slightly rolls his eyes which was probably supposed to be unnoticed but I sure noticed it. Maybe I shouldn't have used that excuse, the one that I used for like the past couple of weeks whenever he would ask me that question. Guilt strikes me in the chest and yet at the same time I am angry, because it is the truth this time. All of this weird dimension mumbo jumbo stuff has really taken the energy out of me.

"Seriously Tae."  With just those two words he turns his attention from Heeseung right back to me with a singular eyebrow raised, making his forehead crease slightly. 

Whenever we get into an argument it's like a game of cat and mouse. I'm usually the one who initially starts the fight and yet I always end up being like the mouse in the situation. 

I gulp at nothingness as he still stares pretty much into my soul. His eyes have changed to a sharp glare compared to the soft dark way they looked just moments ago. He looks at Heeseung quickly with an apologetic face. Seriously? He's gonna be nice to him but not to me? "Excuse us for a moment Heeseung." He says quickly to heeseung, not even waiting for his response before he stands up and grabs my wrist, brining me away from the kitchen and to my room. It is a little dark due to the fact that I have my blinds and curtains closed with the light off, and the only light in the room, is the faint one shinning through my blinds. He had no ambition to make it light in here, as he started talking instead of turning one on. 

"Okay." he puts a hand on the wall next to the wall and leans somewhat on it. "Your gonna tell what has been going on with you right now, no lies understood?"

Well, isn't this just great. What exactly am I supposed to tell him, that Heeseung is a boy from a different dimension that I met in my dreams and that we have been traveling through said dimensions when we fall asleep. He'll probably think i'm crazy.

I open my mouth, to maybe make an excuse or tell him the truth, i'm not sure which. But when I do so nothing comes out, because I don't know what to tell him. I don't want to lie to him, but I don't want him to think i'm crazy.

Well, here goes nothing....

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