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Our trip to the movie theatre was really good and fun. Taehyun seemed to get along with Heeseung, and he didn't seem like a bad person at all, so I know that I can trust him. And I especially know that Taehyun is not letting him leave any soon, he likes him alot.

We watched spiderman at the movie theatre, and even though Heeseung had no idea what was going on at the beginning, he seemed to enjoy it.

 But now that was all over and me and Heeseung were walking to the doors of my apartment building, in silence.

"Thank you for brining me." Heeseung said as we wait for the elevator to come down to our floor level.

"Oh it's no problem, Taehyun seems to really like you, so it looks like your gonna be hanging out with us more often." I say as the elevator tings and the doors open, letting us in.

We walk in and the doors slowly close behind us right after. We just stood in there for a couple of quiet seconds as the elevator brought us up to my floor. But it suddenly just stopped.

All the lights went out and the elevator was completely dark.

"Heeseung?" I called out, my voice shaking a little.

"It's okay, i'm right here." 

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and pul me close into a hug. I knew that it was Heeseung because we are the only ones in the elevator.

I raise my arms to hug him back but we both fall to the ground when the elevator suddenly starts to move while the lights are still off. When I fall I don't really get hurt because Heeseung falls under me, his hands still wrapped around my waist, cushioning my fall. I hear him groan from under me but i'm a little preoccupied by the elevator that we are currently in that is falling straight down.

Is this how it ends? With me lying on top of a complete stranger in an elevator.

I close my eyes tightly, waiting for an impact, when it doesn't come, and the elevator stops moving. The lights flicker back on and the door dings and I can hear it opening.

I look over to the door to see two boys that look my age standing there and staring at us with widened eyes. One of the boys with longish black hair suddenly speaks. 

"Wow Hee, you could have waited until you got to your apartment." He says and the other boy with a small mullet chuckled. 

And with those words I realized what they are talking about. I'm currently sitting on heeseung pretty much, my legs on either side of him and his hands still on my waist.

Well this is awkward. I can feel my face getting red as I quickly stand up off of Heeseung and he does the same, dusting his pants off a little.

"Shut it Beomgyu, it's not what it looks like." heeseung says to the guy named beomgyu annoyed. 


Does he know these people, where are we? From behind the two boys I can see a hallway that has a wine red color wallpaper. We are definitely at my apartment building anymore. But then where are we? And how exactly did we get here?

"It sure looks like what we are thinking." Says the other boy "Who is she anyways hee?"

I can see that Heeseung is panicking just by the look on his face. But either way he replies to the boy by saying "She's my girlfriend, and she's moving in with me."

Im his WHAT?!

"You have a girlfriend?!" the two boys asked at the same time and they both looked at each other and laughed for talking in sync.

"Yup, her name is Y/N." Heeseung says quickly, while grabbing my hand and intertwining his fingers with mine, and walking out of the elevator, brining me with him as we stood closer to these guys that I have deemed to be probably either his friends or brothers.

"Well it's nice to meet you Y/N and i'm Jeongin." Said the boy that had the mullet.

"And i'm Beomgyu." Said the other boy but I already new his name from heeseung  saying it a little while ago. But before I could say anything back, beomgyu leaned close to me and whispered in my ear, "just so you know, if you hurt Heeseung, i'll hurt you." He leaned back away from me and I gulped. I'm not even actually dating Heeseung and yet i'm scared.

"Well we gotta go, the carnival starts tonight and beomgyu apparently wants to ride the rollercoaster until we barf, so..... see ya later." said Jeongin and the two of them walk away.

As soon as they are in out of sight and into the elevator, I immidiatley turn to heeseung, and slowly pull my hand away from his.

"What exactly just happened?" I ask him, absolutley terrified. Not only do I not know where I am, but i'm confused how the heck an elevator got me here.

"I have no clue, Y/N. But I do know where we are." he says as he looks at my panicked state.

I comb my fingers through my hair in frustration. "Well then tell me Heeseung, where are we?"

"Were in my Dimension."

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