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I sit up in bed gasping for air due to my previous dream. Well, at least I can finally breathe. When I'm finally able to steady my breathing I easily establish where I currently am. I know that it's not my house of course but even if I was just here for one night, I can already recognize the place. 

I am in Heeseungs guest room, the one that I stayed in the night that we got here from the elevator. The room is just like it was when we left, and both me and Heeseung are wearing the same clothes that we were when we fell asleep here the other night. Speaking of Heeseung, he is fast asleep next to me. But he seems to be distressed, because every couple of seconds he either moves around a little, stirring in his sleep, or little whines escape from his lips.

He is obviously still in the dream, probably having the same problem I was with the smoke in the dream. He will probably be waking up any second now by the looks of it. 

And my guess was correct. In just seconds his eyes are wide awake, and he is sitting up in the bed gasping for air just like I was a couple minutes ago.

"Are you alright?" I ask while patting his back, making me look at me.

He is finally breathing normally and is able to speak. "What the heck was that?" He asks and I just shrug my shoulders, not having a single clue what really happened either.

He gets up off of the bed and starts to walk to the door. 

"Hurry and get ready." he says with his back facing me "We've gotta figure this out."

. . . 

We sit in the quiet library looking through a whole pile of books. Heeseung thinks that the answer to what is happening with us will be in one of the thousands of books in the library, but honestly I don't think either of us have any idea of what we are supposed to be even looking for. All he really did was scan through the books on subjects like dimensions and dreams snd came across 5 books that he thinks will give us some answers.

"Here look at this part." he says, grabbing my attention and reading the part out loud. " people may experience odd dreams connected with other people in it when they have found their soulmate. In this case if the soulmate is to be from another time warp and/ or dimension, they will connect in different dimensions, some may be ones they have never seen or either their own. These happenings will occur until the two shall fall in love, keeping them in one of the chosen dimensions forever."

We both blankly started at each other, trying to process what we just read. It's honestly a lot to take in. I mean, when a book literally telling me that Heeseung is my soulmate and that i'm gonna have to fall in love with him to stop these odd dreams and going from dimension to dimension. 

"Well that was a lot to take." I say laughing  awkwardly but he doesn't react. 

But then suddenly he stands up and slams the book shut, while walking away putting the books away. 

What the heck was that for? Why does he act suddenly moody when I didn't do anything wrong.

He walk back up to our table and mumbled something before grabbing his stuff and walking away. Ummm where the heck is he going? 

I quickly put my jacket on and run out of the library, going after him. But as soon as I get outside he is nowhere to be seen. He just left me there. Where does he expect me to go? This isn't my dimension, and on top of that I don't even know the way to his house from here. 

Why the heck would he just abandon me like that.

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