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"Oh thank god it's you." Heeseung says with a sigh of relief. I finally scan his face and see that he looks as confused as I am. Now i'm sure that neither of us know what is going on.

"Come on" he says putting his hand on my waist leading me into the forest."Let's go somewheres more private."

So we walk through the forest for a little, his hand is still on my waist as we try to figure out what's going on.

"So we both woke up and we are here?" he ask me and I just nod in reply. "Maybe it's just a dream, i mean this place and everything in it."

We stop walking for a second and look at him, "Well how does that explain the fact that I woke up and I was here, you can't really wake up in a dream."

He finally takes his hand off my waist and sets in on the side of his forehead, slightly massaging his temples. 

"I'm running out of ideas Y/N" he says obviously frustrated with not knowing what is going on with us.

"I know Heeseung" I say while bringing my hand to his back and rubbing it up and down slowly on it, "But you can't have an answer for everything in life."

He smiles just a little bit before turning around and looking at the path we walked to get here. 

"We should probably get back soon, they will be looking for us soon." And with his words we start walking back to the castle.

Most of the walk was spent in a peaceful silence accompanied by the sounds of nature around the two of us. But once we are near the end of the path and the castle is in my sight, but still far away, Heeseung speaks.

"They say you are my fiance." 

I look at him with my eyes widened and he just chuckles and continues talking.

"That's what the workers said, they asked if I wanted to see you and I asked who and one old lady was like 'your fiance of course sir.'" He said trying to a girl voice when imitating the lady, but his voice cracked instead, making me laugh.

I look on my left hand and there is indeed a big diamond ring on the ring finger, indicating that I am indeed engaged. 

"Wow thats a big ring." I said jokingly looking at it.

"Go big or go home I guess." he says when he see's the ring on my finger.

It may be weird for me to think this but I feel so normal around Heeseung. It feels like i've known him for my whole life, but it's only been a couple days. Or at least I think it's been a couple days. Honestly time has been so messed up for me with all of this dimension stuff.

Oh god, I just realized Taehyun. He has no idea where I am, or why i'm probably not answering my phone or anything, because knowing him he would have called me at least 20 times already.

Well I need to figure out how to get home first before I try thinking of what i'm gonna do when I get there.

. . .

Heeseung and I spend the rest of the day exploring throughout the castle and just messing around until it gets dark, and it starts oddly raining. And with the rain comes the thunder and lightning. Just my luck that two nights in a row there is a storm.

"Do you think the storms have to do with it?" I ask Heeseung, who is lying next to my on the large bed that I woke up in this morning.

He turns towards me so our faces are now facing each other. The moonlight that is shinning into the room from one of the big windows facing my back is illuminating his face, making it sort of shine in a way.

"I mean it does make sense." He says back blinking slowly a couple times, showing that he is tired.

"Well we'll see where we are tomorrow and go from there." I say but I don't get a reply back. That's when I see his eyes shut and his lips formed into a tiny pout. 


I cover him up with the blanket slightly so he doesn't get cold during the night and cover myself up also. Trying my best to ignore the loud errupts of thunder, I also close my eyes, only hoping that i'm back home when I open them up again.

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