Chapter 2- Where I Get Answers...Unfortunately

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The world was dark and puffy. But my head hurt...and I was moving. Ow. Were those CLAWS on my shoulders?

I opened my eyes, and the entire world was shaking up and down. I blinked. Someone was loudly...

"RAVI!!! RAVI!!!"

"Ms. Pinelis," I muttered, "please stop."

And suddenly, the world was still.

I took a breath in. My vision cleared. As before, I felt fine...other than the bruises on the back of my head and my shoulders.

"Oh my gosh, I was so worried, are you alright?"

"Yes. Yes I'm fine." After you finished shaking me. I rubbed the back my head. Seriously, what nursing credentials did this lady have? Maybe it didn't hurt most people to be shaken awake. I feel like everything hurts more than it needs to. But hey, everyone else sucks it up and deals with it, it's not like I have an excuse to complain.

"I'm going to call your mom, alright? Now, what's the number? I'm afraid you're not in our system quite yet."

"No, don't call my mom," I said quickly, "I'll be fine, I promise."

Ms. Pinelis gave me a look that clearly said she didn't believe me and nothing I could say would change that.

I sighed and told her the number.

She went out of the room to talk to her. I sat awkwardly. I sighed and thumped my head on the wall. Nothing today had gone right. I had to start a new school (which is always hard) but now I was going to be the subject of attention for at least a month. And I made a weird first impression. Ugh.

Just then, I froze.

I had time to think: you're kidding me.

And then the pain hit.

A wave of fire crashed over me, filling my lungs and snatching my breath away from me. The fire turned cold, so cold it was still hot. My head was spinning. It was like all life had been sucked out of me by the wicked fire. I tried to scream, but there was nothing. Every molecule twisted and writhed.

And then everything went black.


I stood up straight, straighter than I ever had before. I filled more space. I had a purpose. Every inch of my being had a purpose. And I would pursue that purpose to the end of the earth. I began to run, fast and low to the ground. The movement flowed through me into the ground and the air.

Then it flowed upwards and lifted me up with it.

I woke up a little faster this time, which was fortunate, as my mom appeared to be having a bit of a breakdown.

"Ravi? RAVI OH THANK GOODNESS YOU'RE AWAKE!!!" She ran over to me, smoothing my hair and feeling my forehead. I squirmed uncomfortably.

She turned back to Ms. Pinelis. "You say this is the third time?"

I pushed away her hands and sat up. "I'm fine."

Ms. Pinelis looked like she was about to cry. "I think...I think Ravi should go to a doctor."

"No really, I feel fine," I said, exasperated. I just wanted to get back to normal life! I wanted this to stop! "I really feel completely normal."

"And that is precisely why I am positive you should go," she said quietly.

"Stop arguing, Ravi," my mom said, "I was thinking about taking you to a doctor anyways."

"It was nice to meet you, Mrs. Jindal," Ms. Pinelis said quietly. "You too Ravi."

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