Chapter 11-Where We Set Off

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The mirror again. This time it showed water. It looked like ocean water, slightly blue and slightly green, flowing gently. It looked like clouded, colored glass liquified, smooth and hard.

Suddenly, I sensed movement. I leaned closer to see if I could catch a glimpse.

And then it burst out of the water.


I sat up in bed so quickly, I thought inertia was going to carry me head-over. My entire body was sweating.

"Whoa, are you ok?" Isaac said.

"Um...yeah," I said, rubbing my eyes. "I had a bad dream, I think."

Isaac nodded wisely. "Dreams can be insightful interpreters of our daily lives and struggles...but most of the time, I think they're just random." He grinned at me.

I grinned back. I couldn't help it.

"Should we wake Deynan up?" I asked. I glanced over at his unmoving form.

Isaac looked for a while. After a moment, he sighed. "Naaaaaaaah. We don't know what time we have to get up, and it would be mean to get him up now if we still have an hour or so."

I nodded. "Just because you said that, I'm tempted to wake him up and make him mad. But I won't, because it's too early to deal with his stupidity."

Isaac laughed. "I think he's a good match for you."

I whipped my head towards him. "What?!?!"

"Not like, romantically," Isaac said, doubling over with laughter. "Oh my goodness, no no no. I meant," he said, taking a breath to calm his laughter, "that you were all shy and awkward at first, but whenever you talk to him, you break out of that."

"Because he's an idiot," I said, exasperated. But in my heart, I recognized the truth behind his words.

Isaac seemed to get that I got it, because he raised an eyebrow in a questioning manner, smiling. He shook his head slightly, looking down.

Just then, our door burst open. I jumped, and not just because of the sudden noise. Dr. Smith barged in, wearing khaki shorts and a hawaiian print button down shirt with a fishing hat and sunglasses. "Morning boys!" he said jubilantly. "We've got a lot to do today so let's get up and towards them!"

"Up an' at 'em?" Isaac offered hesitantly.

Dr. Smith tapped pointed at Isaac. "Yes. That."

"Wazgoinon?" a fuzzy voice said. From the other side of the room, Deynan-the-lump began to move.

"It's alive!" Isaac hissed creepily. I laughed.

"Wait...huh..." Deynan said, sitting up. His eyes focused and widened. "Dr. Smith...what are you WEARING?!"

Dr. Smith looked down in surprise. "Oh, some summery-type things. I thought the suit was a little hot."

"Ok..." Deynan said. He shook his head as if to clear it. "Too much to deal with this early in the morning," he muttered.

Dr. Smith walked back out. "Well, breakfast in 10 minutes."

Deynan sprang out of bed at this. "Food!"

I laughed. "The zombie, now fully awake, drags itself in the search of it's one true desire: food."

Deynan stood in confusion. He really did look like a zombie, his hair sticking up in erratic tufts on his head.

Isaac laughed so hard he almost fell off his bed. I grinned and we shared a bro-fist.

And I thought, maybe, I would enjoy this whole field trip thingy more than I had originally anticipated.

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