Chapter 16- Where Everything Changes

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I spiraled higher into the sky, fire spewing from my jaws. As I twisted and flexed, I felt the heavy yet light weight of my armor of scales. I felt invincible. And warm. Very, very, warm. It blossomed in my stomach, filling my heart and soul with the epitome of all good things. I felt kind. I felt like giving. My heart wanted to burst from my chest and run forth into the world to do good things.

When I had reached high enough in the sky, I let my body curve, the wind rolling gently under my wings. Then I dove headfirst towards the boat.

I could see my friends screeching and running to the edges. The boat rocked dangerously from their sudden movement. My mouth curled upwards in a serpentine smile.

Then I closed my eyes and let a cold wind ripple over me, transforming back into human and landing on the deck on all fours, still grinning.

I gazed around the boat, my companions' expressions ranging from shock to concern.

Then Sierra burst into laughter. "That was great."

The rest of the boat broke down in laughter. "Only, don't do it again," Isaac said, shaking a bit as he moved to sit down.

Even Audrey was laughing. "I didn't know you had that in you."

Deynan laughed so hard he was leaning against a pillar. "Maybe you're not so bad after all."

Sophie just giggled.

Then Sierra looked up at me. Her eyes were sparkling with that isn't-this-fun? look.

My heart skipped a beat.

"Well," Audrey said, finally stopping, "who's turn is it now?"

"Mine!" Deynan said, straightening up immediately. "Move aside, suckers. I'm gonna be a dragon!"

I moved to the bench, where my water bottle sat, half empty. I took a swig. I was tired.

Suddenly, Deynan ran to the edge of the boat and launched into the air. Light swirled around him until he morphed into a 30 foot long, black dragon.

"What color was I?" I asked, slightly awestruck by presence of this powerful beast.

"Red," Sierra responded. I nodded. Cool. Red was my favorite color.

Deynan turned and came back to the boat, transforming back into human a few feet away from the boat.

"Decided not to make quite as dramatic of a landing as Ravi here," he called, stroking back over to the boat. "Go ahead, Isaac."

Isaac smiled, closing his eyes. He slowed his breathing. I watched. I always felt awkward watching Deynan or Isaac transform for the first time, like I was invading on a sacred moment or something.

Then Isaac ran forwards and dove off the boat, almost hitting the water before he transformed into a long, beautiful green dragon. He curved upwards towards the sky.

Deynan, dripping wet, hauled himself onto the side of the boat. I instantly ran to the other end to balance out the dramatic weight shift. Sophie and Sierra came over with me, while Audrey went over, picked him up by the back of his shirt, and dropped him on the ship deck. Then she dusted off her hands and walked away.

Deynan lay on the deck, not moving. "Ow..."

"Audrey's really strong," I muttered.

"Oh," Sierra said laughing. "Not really. Well, I mean, she is strong, but not THAT strong. Her biker clothes are enchanted to enhance the abilities of her hands."

"Oh." I didn't know quite what to say. "Cool."

Just then, Isaac landed in the water, human once more. He splashed over to the boat and attempted to hoist himself up. But his arms were too weak. On a third failed attempt, he gave up, and began treading water. "Help..." he said weakly.

Legends: The Folklore Trilogy Book 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora