Chapter 27- Where We Meet Our Final Enemy

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In the mirror this time was a boy, a boy I knew. He was on his knees, his head bowed low. His arms were trembling and there was dirt caked on his elbow.

He looked up at me and tears streamed down his face.


I woke up to the sun just barely peaking over the horizon. The morning light was still weak and delicate, like a spider's web. I breathed in deeply.

My friends were sound asleep. I stared at them. People look so different when they're asleep. Deynan looked so quiet, so vulnerable. Isaac looked so young. I had never really noticed how much older Isaac looked when he was awake. I realized that I didn't know if he was older or younger than me. I had assumed they were both my age. I had assumed all the boys at the school were my age. But I didn't really know. I would ask them when they woke up.

Ore meandered over. "Can I get in your pocket?" he asked. "The sun is about to be up."

"Oh, yeah, sure thing," I whispered , holding out a hand. He crawled onto it, having to use his arms for balance. It was an awkward transition, as he had no knees or elbows. I put him in the pocket that didn't hold the scroll--um, Tinder. I was going to have to get used to calling him that. Ore curled up into a rock--as in, an actual one--and settled in.

I stared ahead, not sure what to do. I was a natural early riser. In fact, Aasha once teased me that I could've slept for a week and still be tired when I woke up.

Aasha. I missed my little sister, oddly enough. I missed Shreya too, and half wondered if she missed me, though I decided not to think on that too hard. She used to tell me it was her duty as an older sister to torment me, and lived up to the claim.

I suddenly felt lonely.

On a whim, I took out Tinder. I hesitated for a moment, then wrote, "Hey."

The reply didn't take too long. "Um...hi?"

"You're an imp, aren't you?"

"Oh my! Wise master Ravi has figured it out! Tell me, sir, how do you feel in your moment of triumph?"

I rolled my eyes. "Are you upset? That someone put you in this scroll, I mean. Mr. Marquez did that, didn't he?"

"Uh, DUH I'm upset! Juan Marquez is a freaking mad scientist when it comes to magic. There I was, happily living in the middle of a desert, when HE comes along and captures me, shoves me in a scroll, and enslaves me. I would think that's ample reason to be mad."

I considered this. It WAS kind of mean. "Do you have a name?"

"No. I've never understood humans' desire to name everything. We all have ourselves, don't we? Is a name just another way to assure yourself that you have an identity?"

I stared, not sure what to do. "I've never really thought of it that way before."

"That's because you're stupid."

My eyes narrowed. "Harsh, much?"

"Hey, it's who I am. It's part of MYSELF. I can't help my sarcasm anymore than you can help being stupid. It's sad, truly."

I heard a noise. I turned quickly. Isaac was sitting up. He looked and noticed me. "Oh. Morning, Ravi. What are you doing?" he asked, yawning.

"Just passing the time," I said, rolling up Tinder. "Come on. Let's wake Deynan up and get moving." I swallowed. "With luck, we'll make it to the palace today."

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