Chapter 14-Where We Continue Quicker Than What's Probably Ok

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"Whoa!" Isaac shouted in ecstasy. Sierra and Sophie clapped.

"What the heck is that?" Audrey asked, laughing.

"It's a griffin!" Sophie squealed.

"It looks like an eagle melded with a lion," she said incredulously.

I was breathless. A griffin. Wow. A thrill of excitement and anticipation flashed through my stomach.

Deynan circled once more, then landed in the water with a splash that sent a wave of water over the side of the boat. I shook my head, spraying water droplets everywhere. I glowered. When I get my hands on that idiot...

But then I saw Sierra. She had been closer to him, and was completely soaked, but was laughing her face off, wringing out her wet hair. She reached over the side of the boat, and splashed Deynan back, who had transformed back to human and was swimming to keep up with the boat. Then she backed up as Audrey and Isaac came forward to help him out of the water. She caught my eye, and her eyes twinkled. She had that isn't-this-fun expression on her face again.

In that moment, all my anger melted away. She was just so happy. I had never seen her get angry.

By now, Deynan had gotten back in the boat. He was laughing. "That was awesome," he chuckled.

"Why'd you land in the water, huh?" Audrey demanded.

"Because I didn't want to throw off the balance of the boat," he replied simply.

"Well, that was oddly insightful of you," I muttered.

"Who's next?" he asked, grinning. I looked at Isaac. He looked at me. I put a finger on my nose. "Nose goes," I said quickly.

He sighed dramatically, but laughed. "Alright, alright." He bent his head. We fell silent. Light swirled, he ran to the front of the boat, leaping into the air, and a second griffin soared through the skies.

Then he got back on and it was my turn.

I looked around. They were staring at me expectantly. Sierra gave me an encouraging smile.

I took a deep breath and bent my head.

Diligence. Diligence and determination. That driving thing. Stand up tall because you have a purpose.

But do I have a purpose?

The thought struck me like a lightning bolt.

Do I have a purpose?

Not like, in the world, but on this team. Sierra was the leader. Audrey was the brawn, Sophie was the brains, or at least, she knew things about the magical world. Isaac was the support, Deynan was comic relief.

But me? I was just the awkward idiot. The kid who was just kind of THERE. I probably shouldn't have been chosen. I just HAPPENED to be one of the first that transformed.

I had no point. I had no purpose. I had never had a purpose, my entire life.

I opened my eyes. "I can't do this."

Deynan snorted. "Why not?"

"Diligence and determination," I said, frustrated. "I don't have any. I have no purpose, no goal, nothing."

"Just try," Isaac said kindly.

"Don't you get it?" I asked, fury and despair bubbling up inside. I sat down on the bench behind me and buried my face in my hands. "I can't. I can't try because I've never tried before."

There was silence. My throat felt tight. "I don't know if you guys know this, but I'm really smart. I'm not trying to brag. It's just...true. But even though I get put in advanced classes, it's not like a challenge. I just do things, and they work. I don't have to try." My voice broke a little. "I don't even think I know how."

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