Chapter 13-Where We Transform

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My first thought: seriously? A dwarf?

And then Deynan burst into hysterics. "Oh my gosh," he gasped, "you look like an idiot!"

"Well you're going to have to be this too, you know," I said gruffly. My voice was deeper.

Why was it deeper? I was smaller! What the heck, magic?

"You look like a chibi," Sophie giggled.

My brow furrowed. A what?

"It would look ok," Sierra said, holding back laughter, "if you had a beard."

I felt my face. It felt like my face every day, just...smaller. I sighed. I probably just looked like a midget.

I turned to Deynan. "You next."

He scrambled away, but Isaac pushed him back down on to the deck. Sierra laughed.

"Alright, alright," he protested, "you fiends." He repositioned himself and stood up. Then he closed his eyes. He looked a lot less mean with his eyes closed and his face relaxed.

A few moments later, light began to swirl around him from top to bottom. It spun faster and faster until it had engulfed him completely. Then it began to shrink, faster and faster until all of it was sucked into his tiny chest.

He stepped forward a bit and bowed. "Deynan the dwarf, at your service."

We turned to Isaac. His eyes widened.

We tackled him. Dwarfs are pretty strong for their size, it turns out.

Isaac honestly looked the most ridiculous as a dwarf, probably because he was smiling. "Look how small I am!" he said happily.

"Your voice sounds weird low," Deynan commented.

He stuck out a tongue.

"You guys are so cute!" Sophie squealed. Sierra and Audrey were dying with laughter. "I could punt-kick you to Mars!" Audrey exclaimed, still gasping and clutching her stomach.

"Hey, I got a knuckle sandwich with your name on it if you ever want to try," Deynan threatened.

"Awww," Audrey said in a baby voice, laughing, "the itty-bitty dwarf is threatening me!" She snickered.

Deynan walked up and hit her squarely in the leg.

"Ow!" she yelped. "Hey! Do you not know the rule?"

"The no-hitting-girls rule?" Deynan asked incredulously. "You don't strike me as the type who would care about that."

"No, IDIOT," she said, rolling her eyes, "the no-hitting-Myths rule. And probably Legends too."

"Give me one good reason," he demanded , though he didn't look particularly threatening at that height I'm sure.

"Myths and probably Legends have a highly active nerve system," Sierra explained. "It's so we can transform. But everything hurts to us way more than it does to everyone else."

There was silence for a moment as that sunk in. "Well that boosted my self confidence a ton," Isaac remarked.

"You guys should release your forms," Sophie said quietly. "Holding a form requires magic energy which in turn sucks energy from you."

I nodded. That made sense. But Sierra and Audrey turned to Sophie in surprise. "How did you know that?" Audrey asked in surprise.

She shrugged delicately. "I read about it. I look stuff up on the magic world a lot. It's fascinating, really."

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