Chapter 33-Where Things Come to Quiet

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I ducked instinctively, but they shot past us without even touching us. I stood up, confused.

"Hey!" Audrey shouted. "Give us back our hostage!"

I turned to see Damius being lifted into the sky by the posse of monsters. My expression soured. He had gotten away. Of course. I silently cursed to myself. "We almost had him," I muttered.

"Don't beat yourself up," Sierra said softly. "You've done more than enough."

I suddenly realized how exhausted I was. My vision became spotty and I stumbled forwards and collapsed.

"Hey, take it easy, ok?" Deynan said, sounding a bit worried.

"I'm fine," I protested, trying to stand. I felt a head rush and thumped back down, blinking hard. "Ok, maybe not fine."

"Yeah, are we going to ignore that fact that Ravi basically just achieved god form?" Audrey asked.

I shifted uncomfortably. "I really don't like the sound of that," I muttered.

"We need a new name for it," Sophie agreed.

"I've actually been thinking a lot about this," Sierra said carefully, "and I was thinking...well, what do you think of...Legendary form?" She smiled a bit. "Mythical for the girls."

"I like that," I said immediately. "I like that a lot."

Everyone else nodded their approval, and I could see Sierra's smile grow a bit more relaxed. "Cool," she said confidently.

"MORTALS!" a huge voice suddenly boomed. I jumped. "SHOW YOURSELVES!!!"

I shot up in alarm, trying to stand firmly. Then my head spun, I toppled forwards, and everything went black.


I woke up with the odd sensation that I was moving. The world was blurry and incredibly blue.

Then it came into focus and I realized I WAS moving.

I was lying down on something like a hammock, and it was speeding forward smoothly. It was relaxing.

I looked around and realized that my hammock was actually a blanket tied between two broomsticks, one ridden by Abigail, the other by her friend Liza. I smiled. Sorcerers. Awesome.

Deynan and Isaac were on the hammock with me, which would have been weird, except the broomsticks were flying far enough apart so the blanket was stretched out like a picnic blanket. Isaac was chatting softly with Abigail, and Deynan was fiddling around with Sophie's book computer.

"Does Sophie know you have that?" I mumbled sleepily.

His head shot up and his mouth broke out into a grin. "Ravi! You're awake!"

"Ravi's awake?" a voice said from the other side of Liza. I raised my head a bit and realized that the girls were in a similar set-up between Liza and Abigail's other friend, Chris. Sierra waved at me from the other blanket. I flashed her a peace sign before slumping my head back down.

"Tired?" Isaac asked softly.

"Not really," I replied. "It's just nice to relax."

"I know the feeling," Deynan muttered.

"Just so you know the story," Abigail interjected, "I had finally convinced these two that helping you guys take down the Destroyer was the right thing to do, and we had just arrived at the castle, only to realize that you didn't need our help at all."

"It would have been against the rules," Liza said crossly.

Abigail sighed. "Liza, sometimes, rules are meant to be broken."

Legends: The Folklore Trilogy Book 2Where stories live. Discover now