Chapter 7- Where Too Much Happens to Really Process

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The mirror showed mist. Not fog, but mist. I squinted, but it was pointless. I could see nothing. Then a shape emerged, shining almost brighter than the sun itself.


My eyes flickered groggily. Where was I? This wasn't my room...

My sight rested on Isaac. Oh yeah. That whole thing.


I shook my head, sitting up. No. I absolutely was not thinking about that. I swung my legs out of bed and walked to the adjoining bathroom. I turned on the faucet and cupped my hands under the cold stream, splashing water on my face. I accidentally tasted it as it dripped down my face. Yuck. It tasted like beach water. That's another thing I can't stand about North Carolina: the water is terrible.

Well I guess water anywhere that's not where you grew up is going to taste pretty bad.

Then how do water bottles taste normal to everyone? Or do they not?

Sierra Claget is magical too...

No. Nope. Not thinking about. I splashed more water.

She actually saved the entire magic kingdom...

I splashed water more frantically. Stop thinking, Ravi. Stop it, stop it, stop it.

Just then, a ringing exploded from inside the room.

I stumbled backwards and pressed myself against the wall. What the heck?

In the room, all the boys--fully awake--appeared to be having a contest as to who could cover their ears better. I couldn't see Alex, but it looked like someone was under his mattress.

Abruptly, the ringing cut off, leaving a lingering echo in my brain. I massaged my ears.

"What just happened...?" Harrison asked feebly.

Just then, Dr. Smith's voice boomed down from the loudspeakers. "Good morning, boys. Now that you're awake, you can come down to breakfast! But I would suggest getting dressed first. You don't have uniforms: you can thank me for that. But we have provided clothes for you." It turned off.

We all stood there--me pressed against the door, Deynan in the middle of the room, Harrison in a ball on the floor, Isaac on his bed, Alex UNDER his bed--staring at each other and not moving a muscle.

"Well," Alex said, pulling himself out from under his mattress and flopping unceremoniously on the floor, "I heard him say breakfast."

I grinned, in spite of myself.


"Welcome to breakfast," Mr. Marquez said, "everyone's favorite part of the day, minus lunch and dinner."

"True story, bro," Xavier said, digging into his eggs with perhaps over-exaggerated gusto.

My mind suddenly flashed to last night. Mr. Marquez yelling at Dr. Smith...something about a girl...

But had that really happened? Mr. Marquez seemed fine now.

I shrugged it off. If it had happened, it wasn't my business anyways.

"I have a question," Spencer asked, raising his hand. Mr. Marquez nodded. Spencer cleared his throat somewhat obnoxiously. "Dr. Smith said that we are called Legends, and the girls are called Myths, yes?"

Mr. Marquez raised an eyebrow. "Yes."

"But technically, the definition of a legend is a story about a real person or event that's supremely over-dramatized, and a myth is a story to explain a natural phenomenon."

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