The babies room(s)

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Maka's POV
"No soul." I said plainly grabbing a box for lisbeth's side of the room. "oh come on don't you think they should get their own rooms!" Soul told me bringing the cribs in.
"Soul we have limited space! They need a play room or something!" I answered
"Ok ok fine! Let's just get everything unpacked!" He started to put on of the cribs together.
"This is a kishin bed!!!!" He shouted after 10 minutes. "soul calm down look at the directions."
"I've tried!" He snapped at me and I flinched. he got up from his spot and hugged me. "I'm sorry I screamed, I'm just frustrated." he told me into my ear. I sighed "it's ok those things are a bitch to set up." I replied.
"Let me help you!" I got up and went over to the crib. "uh maka it's not exactly easy!" He got up and went by me.
We both figured it out then realized we still had another crib to set up.
"Do we have to have two?" Soul asked me.
"What do you mean?" I asked
"Do we have to have two kids at once?" He answered chuckling.
"Your just saying that because you don't want to set up asuna's crib! Anyway I figured it out, I have someone coming over who is obsessed with perfection and pretty much asked if he could set everything up for us!" I sat down on the couch and soul say next to me putting his arm around me and I put my head on his chest. He chuckled "is it kid?"
"How'd you guess?" Then there was a knock on the door. soul went and answered it and guess who.
"Hello soul let's get to work- or rather stay out of my way. I'll have everything done in an hour or so." A teenager with three white stripes across the right side of his head and a matching suit. "hey kid" I told him as I got up to hug him.
"Hello maka! Woah your big." kid said staring at my stomach
"Yeah well you try having to humans grow inside you!" I said defensively.
"Fair enough, I'll get to work right away.

*around 30 minutes later*

Kid came out with a proud look on his face. "it's finished! Go ahead and look!" Soul help me off the couch and we went into the babies room. everything was prefect there was two cribs one one the left wall and one on the left, with a label saying lisbeth on the left and Asuna on the right. then their were diapers in a stack by two changing tables. "wow kid it's prefect!" soul spoke up
"Is that all you needed?" Kid asked pushing a doll into place.
"I think we can handle the play room so we're all good!" I hugged him and he walked out saying his goodbyes.
"We're ready now!" I sighed sitting in the rocking chair.
"Only what a month till they come?" Soul asked sitting in the rocker next to mine.
"Less, but we're prepared! I mean all the help and support from our friends and the DWMA."
We both went to bed and drifted off to sleep.

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