Time to come out

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Souls POV
Was that maka screaming? I thought to myself, I had to check just in case it was. "Soooooul!!!!" I heard her screaming oh crap was it medusa again?
"Wait what!!??? Their coming?!??? Now?!?!" I looked at her dumbfounded.
"Soul if you don't get me to the hospital I will maka chop you so hard you'll dig your own grave!!!" She grabbed the neck of my collar.
"Ok ok let's go!" I picked her up and took her to the car.
When we got to the hospital I could see why black star was crying because tsubaki was holding his hand during her contractions...
"Hey maka can you light up on my hand a little?" I asked cowering to the ground. "yes sorry it hurts like a bITCCCCCH!!" She screamed during another contraction.
She started to cry a little, "where's tsubaki?" She chocked out. "I called her their on their way." I started to stroke her hand with the back of my thumb to calm her down or at least give some comfort.
"Oh my god maka!! Are you alright?! I could hear you screaming from down the hall!!!" Tsubaki came in finally followed by black star pushing blue in a stroller.
"Wanna take over man?" I asked black star.
"Sure I'm a god I can't feel pain!!!" He responded then grabbed maka's hand. here's another contraction.... black star's eyes welled up with tears and he sobbed until his hand was replaced by tsubaki's, then she sighed.
"Men can't handle pain..." she sounded disappointed
"YEAH WELL YOU TRY TO HAVE YOUR HAND DEATH GRIPPED BY THAT CRAZY WOMEN!!" Black star shouted at her. tsubaki gave him a glare and he cowered down. "sorry honey love you!" He sat down and started playing with blue.
"Geez tsubaki that really doesn't hurt you?" I asked as maka had another contraction and gripped tsubaki's hand.
"It doesn't hurt. I mean I have had birth, this is nothing." he answered plainly.
Wow I thought.
Then a nurse came in. "it's time ms.albarn. we have to get you prepped for surgery."she said walking over to push her bed out of the room.
"O ok." maka reached for my hand and I quickly grabbed it showing the nurse I was going in with her.
*an hour later*
Soul's POV
I held my little angel in my arms after the doctors wiped her off and started on the other. maka looked up at me weakly "that ones Asu-" she passed out I couldn't believe what I was seeing, "maka? MAKA?!" I started to go to her bed but a nurse held me back.
"What's wrong????" I shouted at the nurse.
"It's nothing to worry about! She just got overly tired from the birth she'll be fine! I swear! Let me take little-" she looked at me for her name "oh um asuna... The other is lisbeth." I gave her my angel and went to maka's room where tsubaki and black star jumped up at the site of me.
"Where's maka?!" Tsubaki asked worry flooding her face.
"She um passed out... they um want to run some tests to make sure everything's ok." I sat down
Please god let her be ok.... Please please... I can't do this without her... I thought to myself before blacking out.

Hola it might seem kinda of a crappy chapter but it was actually really fun to write! Hope you enjoy it as much as I had writing it... Bye bye!! c:

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