4. Hunger

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I made it a habit to visit Sirius every day after school. During the first few days, he mostly just slept, but I didn't mind watching over him. Or, well, watching him. He was getting better, but the progress was extremely slow. Even after several days, he was barely strong enough to hold a book in his hands. He was still feeling sick, and he was in pain, and his wounds just refused to close.

On Friday, I had to ask why.

"I'm technically dead," Sirius said while I was studying his stitched wound. "Dead bodies don't heal on their own, so I need to get my vampire essence back."

"Essence?" I repeated.

"The thing that makes me a vampire. Our... essence," he said and smirked apologetically. "There are no scientific explanations on how we work, I'm afraid."

"I see. And the poison destroyed that essence?"

He nodded. "It burned it, leaving me vulnerable and weak."

"Is the poison actual blood?"

"Yes, taken from a dead body," he said.

"How does that turn it into poison?" I asked. "You drink from blood bags. Isn't that the same thing?"

"It has something to do with the death of the spirit. That dead essence is poison to our essence, just like walking into a church would start eating away at it."

"So the tales are true? You can't go to a church? And cross would burn you?" I asked and he nodded. "Is garlic bad?"

"No, that was Dracula's thing. He couldn't stand it..."

"Dracula was real?"

"Uh-huh. He loved the attention, but he made things a hell of a lot harder for the rest of us."

"So... do you burn if sunlight touches you?" I asked, and he nodded.

"But there are magical items that make us immune to it. I have one at home..." he trailed off when he realized what he just said. "I left it at home," he repeated, looking very disappointed in himself.

"And you can't go get it," I nodded slowly. "I could go get it for you?"

He shook his head. "If there is someone watching my mansion, they will notice you."

"You live in a mansion."

"That I do. Or... did," he said and sighed. "It's... been my home for all my life. And now I don't even know if I can ever return there."

"You will," I said. "We will find a way to stop your enemy."

He gave me a smile, but it was a sad one.

"Can you get a new magical item, then?" I asked.

"They are rare, but there should be someone selling them in this city. But they usually cost ten grand, so I'd rather not spend so much on something I already have."

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