Chapter 8: Close call

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Baekhyun's eyes widen at the sight in front of him. He was confused at first why the stranger had led him to the dorm, but then he realized that he knew this stranger.

"Chanyeol..." Baekhyun whimpered and pressed his face against his ex's chest. He didn't care if he hated him. He felt scared. He was almost caught in a scary situation, and he barely escaped. If Chanyeol wasn't there... He didn't even want to think of what it would've leaded to.

Baekhyun kept on crying against Chanyeol's chest, and the giant would pat him softly on the head and back. "I was so scared", he cried harder, and Chanyeol nodded.

"I know". Baekhyun grabbed a hold of the taller's shirt, clutching his fists. He never knew he'd be this thankful seeing the guy who had hurt him in the past that much before. He was more than thankful that he came to his rescue.

After Baekhyun managed to get a grip of himself, he took a step backward, and Chanyeol dried his tears that were left on his cheeks, and wiped them away with his thumbs. "The other's are sleeping. Let's not wake them".

Baekhyun could clearly tell the damage in the giant's voice. He also heard how he was breathing. It was heavy, and he had trouble breathing normally. Baekhyun also noticed he was limping on their way inside. They were as quiet as they could, but Baekhyun was scared. He was scared that Chanyeol was hurt. And it was because of him. Guilt had washed over him, and he couldn't help but to stare and the giant.

"I'll just go to the bathroom. Go to sleep". Baekhyun felt like obeying, but also not. He didn't want to cause more troubles for the taller, but he knew his body was damaged. He had witnessed it after all. He saw how they beat him up. He saw how he was thrown onto the ground. How he was being beaten up while lying down at the hard ground. How he was punched and kicked. How he fought back even caused him more pain. Baekhyun didn't want the giant to suffer because of him. He found the key to the bathroom and unlocked it. He found Chanyeol in front of the mirror shirtless, and he even gasped. Not because of the sight he was shirtless, but because of the cuts and bruises that was covering his body. Baekhyun's mouth dropped open and the giant also jumped startled at his sudden appearance. "B-Baekhyun, what are you doing?" Baekhyun ignored the bare torso right in front of him and concentrated on his plan. The plan before his thoughts, that wasn't appropriate. He grabbed Chanyeol's hand as he led him into their shared room. He placed Chanyeol on his own bed, making him sit on the edge of his bed.

"Take off your clothes", Baekhyun demanded, making Chanyeol flinch.

"What?" Was all he managed to say, and Baekhyun stared, as he was about to leave the room.

"There's nothing I haven't seen, so don't be embarrassed", he repeated the exact same words Chanyeol had said to him when he realized he had a little shower surprise visit from the giant not many days ago.

Baekhyun remember he had put some first aid kit in the living room after packing out his stuff. He knew something would happen for the members to need it and even himself, as he was very clumsy, and he wouldn't be surprised if it was he using everything up. When he entered back to their room, he stopped for a second as he saw the giant had totally stripped, obeying Baekhyun's orders. He had to blink a few times to concentrate on his current job and not get deceived. He knelt down onto the floor in front of Chanyeol and started to clean his cuts and put on some ice he had brought from the kitchen as well to his bruises.

Baekhyun caught himself with his eyes glancing down, and he mentally slapped himself to focus on fixing the cuts and bruises. He knew he was caught when he saw in the corner of his eyes that the giant was smirking at him.

"Shut up", Baekhyun muttered at the smirking idiot and he giggled.

"Didn't say anything", he defended himself and let the boy nurse him. As Baekhyun was done with what he could do for him, Chanyeol put on his pajamas, which meant only pants, and Baekhyun put on his pants and t-shirt. They both laid in each of their beds, staring up at the ceiling. None of them could fall asleep.

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