Chapter five: Soulmates?

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"How did it go?" Joonmyun asked Baekhyun and Chanyeol when they arrived back with Baekhyun's belongings. 

Baekhyun nodded his head, not letting Chanyeol answer. "It was nice. I got the stuff I needed and he was nice helping me," he said and then suddenly Jongin came up to his face with an excited expression.

"You guys seem to get along pretty well," he commented whilst staring at the two of them. Baekhyun mentally snorted as he glanced at the amused giant. Yes, we get along really well, Baekhyun sarcastically thought to himself. "You've pretty similar personalities." 

Baekhyun frowned as he was blind to see what made them similar.

"Maybe they're soulmates?" Kyungsoo teased and Baekhyun didn't realise that he was giving him a glare until he frowned at the boy.

"So - sorry, I was just shocked," Baekhyun excused himself to remove their thoughts of him being a douchebag. "Yeah, we've gotten to know each other." 

Baekhyun wanted to avoid their suspicion that he didn't like Chanyeol because then they'd ask questions - questions he couldn't answer. Questions he didn't want to answer.

"I'd say we've gotten pretty close," Chanyeol smirked as he suddenly appeared behind the petite boy, throwing his arm around his shoulder and pulled him closer with a smirk on his face. "I think he's an amazing person." 

If the others weren't there, Baekhyun thought of pushing him off by annoyance and yell "BULLSHIT! "in his face, but he kept it to himself and just went with the flow.

"We have a lot of things in common," Baekhyun agreed as innocently as possible. He didn't want to raise any suspicion about his true feelings for the stupid giant. 

"That's what soulmates are like," Kyungsoo repeated again and Baekhyun, once again, frowned at him.

"Aren't soulmates supposed to be a love relationship? And boy and girl?" he asked. He thought he really sounded like he hated gay guys, even though he was one himself. He just hoped he didn't offend anyone in case they also were gay. 

"No, it doesn't have to be. Two best friends could be soulmates and they could as well be the same gender," Kyungsoo answered simply and Baekhyun giggled off his embarrassment. They didn't mean it like that. 

"We definitely are," Chanyeol smirked again and pulled Baekhyun even closer to him.

"Don't get ahead of yourself now," he teased and playfully pushed the giant off him. He tried to not make it sound rude and rather just playful. The members laughed it off, but Baekhyun knew Chanyeol's laugh was fake, because he knew the truth, unlike the others.

As time flew by, the members played different games to get to know each other better. The night before, they had a few different types of games to learn each other's names and stage names, their interests and their personalities. Baekhyun felt proud he had managed to learn everyone's birthdays, family name and stage names.

"You okay?" Baekhyun heard someone whisper beside him in the van as they were driving to the concert they were going to watch and observe. 

Without Baekhyun's approval, Chanyeol had sat down beside him in the van. Baekhyun was too sleepy after waking up early without much luck of sleep that morning, he almost fell asleep in the van. Chanyeol also had noticed the smaller one was a bit shaky since big things were going to happen today. They were also going to get their schedule the same day to know what'd happen in the following week and onwards. Baekhyun was, of course, nervous that his dream was finally happening, but he felt excited as well.

His body wouldn't stop shaking, especially his legs. The giant placed his hand on his right thigh to calm him down. 

"I'm fine," Baekhyun muttered sleepily and pushed away his hand away. He glanced around to look at the other Exo-K members in the same van, but they were all asleep and the Exo-M van was right behind them.

"You still use the perfume I got you?" Chanyeol whispered as his face was really close to Baekhyun's. He could feel his breath on his neck and it sent chills down his spine, but he squeezed himself towards the car door to get away from him, which made the taller male furrow his eyebrows at him.

"I'm looking for a new one. I'm throwing it away," he whispered coldly back and Chanyeol dramatically held on his heart and pretended as if he had been shot.

"I thought you loved the scent, that's why I bought it for you," he whispered with another smirk after removing his hand again. "You were really happy when I gave it to you and did something in return". As Baekhyun was staring at his face, Chanyeol had the biggest smirk on his, and they both knew what he was talking about.

"It only reminds me of you. The bad things," he said, "I don't want to remember them." Baekhyun tried to avoid the long stare his ex-boyfriend was giving him by looking out of the car window and slowly drifted off into a light sleep until they arrived. 

"Alright, we're here," their manager who drove them said and opened up the doors. Baekhyun waited for Chanyeol to get out, but he seemed to be waiting for the same thing. It was just out of habit, but Baekhyun didn't feel like making a big deal out of it and quickly exited the van. 

Chanyeol secretly smiled satisfied after he was out. "Follow me and I'll lead you to your seats."

 They all did what he said and they got some empty seats. They were there to observe the professionals and learn from them. Baekhyun couldn't help but feel like a little poor servant for the royalty. 

"Baekhyun, take it easy," he suddenly heard a soft whisper as he softly grabbed his hands in his own big ones. Baekhyun rolled his eyes in response. "I'm nervous too. You're not alone, but try not to shake so much. You're making me even more nervous," he joked and smiled cheekily. 

Baekhyn sighed and forced his hands out of the other's grip. "I said I'm fine. Now leave me alone Chanyeol," he muttered and turned his back against him, without noticing a curious glance from Kyungsoo who witnessed them. 

They eventually took their seats and Baekhyun was placed between Chanyeol and Luhan. Baekhyun thought nothing good came when the giant's presence being close to him and he felt his glances many times, but he pretended as if he didn't notice. 

The first performers entered the stage and performed their songs and dances. It was very impressive to the newbies and Baekhyun was noting down everything that crosses his mind worth writing down.

"That was incredible!" Joonmyun screamed as they were back in their vans again and headed back to their dorms.

"I know right! I've learned so much. They were so amazing, all of them!" Baekhyun screamed excitedly back, causing everyone who heard them chuckle at their excitement.

"Alright, tomorrow you'll meet in the practice room and you'll be given a song you'll be learning. It's yours and you'll also be shooting a music video for it. You'll get more information tomorrow there, but meet up at nine in the morning." 

They all nodded in agreement and went inside their dorm. It wasn't late yet and they didn't want to go to bed so early and decided to play more games. 

"You want to play a game?" Kyungsoo imitated Jigsaw in the Saw movies whilst giving Jongin a death stare, obviously joking around. 

Jongin pretended to be afraid and started running and shielding himself with the other members whilst Kyungsoo ran after him, trying to catch him. 

Baekhyun giggled at their silliness and Jongdae seemed to have gotten an idea.

"I know what we can do!" 


What do you guys think they'll play? Any guesses? I think you guys will like it XD   

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