Chapter 7: Practice

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All the members of Exo had gotten their schedule and song. The song title was called 'What Is Love', and they had to memorise it, and shoot a music video for it later. They were told that who was going to sing it was only Baekhyun and Kyungsoo. When they asked why, the producers and their manager told them that it would be an intro-like song to their debut. Of course on the Chinese version it'd be Jongdae and Luhan who'd sing. They'd also shoot teaser for the video.

"Come on Baek, let's go back to the dorm", Jongdae called for Baekhyun when everyone had finished practicing for the day. Baekhyun didn't feel like giving up right away, because he wanted to continue to practice. He felt like he had to practice more on his high notes, unlike Jongdae who had good control over them. Baekhyun felt jealous of his good control over his vocal chores, and Baekhyun wanted to reach his level as well.

"I'll stay a little bit behind. Don't mind me, I want to be alone to practice for a while", he answered as he was careful to not hold them back. Jongdae nodded slowly, already knowing of Baekhyun's goals.

"Just don't be too late, and call any of us if anything happens, alright?"

"Yes mom", Baekhyun joked back, causing Jongdae to smile brightly and giggle.

"See you later".

Finally Baekhyun was left alone as he wished. He liked to practice alone when it came to his singing. He didn't want anyone close to judge him like he was the worst singer on the planet. At times like that, he liked being alone.

Baekhyun's sweat was dripping from his forehead and downwards on his neck. He felt like it was hard to breathe, and he was incredibly tired. He collapsed on the floor as his legs gave up on carrying him, and he breathed heavily.

The black haired boy managed to glance at the clock, which showed exactly 10 pm. He knew the members were waiting for him, but he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore.

Baekhyun suddenly sat up on the floor, shocked as he regained conscious. He then remembered that he was still in the practice room where he had slowly passed out. He glanced at his phone, but it had turned off from loss of power. He didn't know what time it was, but he knew it was dark. Baekhyun thought the members might've thought he was camping in the practice room, and he didn't want to worry them. He quickly locked the room, turned off the lights and went outside to head back to the dorm. It was nearly black outside and it was only by the help from the lampposts and the moon he managed to see anything at all. Baekhyun glanced around at the streets, trying to see if he could make a shortcut. It was a small way, and he decided to take it even if there weren't any lights there.

"Ay look over there", Baekhyun heard a few male voices ahead, and then decided to turn around and walk on the original path on the street. It was too late though as they were already following him. Baekhyun glanced around as he was hoping a few people would be close by, but there weren't. They were completely alone. "Hey boy, wait!"

Baekhyun didn't wait. He sped up his walking. He thought they were far behind until he suddenly felt a touch on his shoulder, stopping him from walking any further. "I sat wait!" yelled the same voice. There was a man who looked to be around his 40's; he had a cigarette in his mouth and a bottle of vodka in his other hand that wasn't on the little scared boy.

"Look, his shivering!" snickered the other man who caught up with them. There were two guys who had their eyes on Baekhyun. "Don't be afraid, we just want to play with you". Baekhyun gulped and forced himself out of the man's grip.

"Don't touch me", he yelled as he threw the man's arm off of him. He sounded more confident than he actually was. The only chance he got was to run, but they probably would've caught up to him in that case. Baekhyun wasn't strong enough to take them on by himself. If there were one man, then he would've given his all, believing he'd win but when there are two men, there was no hope for the little thin – not partially strong – boy.

"Not so tough, huh?" said the other one when he noticed Baekhyun's small whimper. The men laughed at the sight of the scared puppy that whimpered and shivered in fear.

"We just want to play. Don't make it so difficult, huh?" the one had grabbed Baekhyun by his upper body and held his arm so he couldn't defend himself. The other guy started to unbutton Baekhyun's jeans he was wearing. Baekhyun started to cry as he screamed for help and tried to fight back without luck. "Be a bit more quiet, ey?"

"Don't fucking touch him!" yelled an angry voice at the man who was unbuttoning Baekhyun's jeans, and he was suddenly on the ground in front of Baekhyun. The boy was surprised, but he had no luck seeing the person. It was too dark, but Baekhyun found the voice familiar. The other guy got furious and started to attack the man who started to defend the defenceless boy.

Baekhyun was down on the ground, speechless about the situation, and couldn't do anything but cry. He prayed the men would just disappear and thank the stranger. He wanted the night to just end. He wanted to go back to the dorm. He wanted to see his members again. Even his ex boyfriend, if it meant he was alive and unharmed.

Baekhyun snapped out of the thoughts when he heard the stranger screeched in pain. The men had taken advantage of being 2 and beat him down at the ground whilst punching and kicking him.

"No!" Baekhyun unexpectedly screamed, causing the two men to turn towards him.

"Friend of yours?" Baekhyun didn't know what to answer. What should he answer? Should he lie? Should he tell the truth? Whilst the men was concentrating their attention on the scared boy on the ground, the stranger took the moment as advantage and tackled them down onto the ground, and he grabbed the opportunity to grab Baekhyun's hand and they ran. They kept on running until Baekhyun recognised the street they were at. He glanced amazed around, noticing they were outside the dorm.

"Wha-?" He didn't even finish his sentence before the man before him placed his finger on Baekhyun's lips.


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