Chapter four: deciding what to do

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Baekhyun woke up early in the morning because of the strong sunlight from the window shining right at his face and he let out a small yawn. He hadn't realised before when he tried to stretch his body that he remembered Chanyeol was still behind him. 

The smaller male tried to get out of his embrace without waking him up and walked over to his closet and put on some regular clothes.

"Ah, Baekhyun? What am I doing in your bed?" he heard the deep and sleepy raspy voice asked and he turned around. The giant could barely keep his eyes open and his hair was a total mess. Just exactly how he looked every morning, Baekhyun thought to himself.

"You were sleepwalking to my bed and you refused to move," he muttered and Chanyeol's eyes widen.

"Really?" He looked a bit tiredly around and finally got out of bed. As soon as he glanced at his own bed, he looked funny at the smaller boy. "Did we sleep together in your bed? Why didn't you move?" 

Baekhyun turned around to not allow the giant to see his face in order to not get caught. "I did move to your bed," Baekhyun lied, though he heard the other snort in response.

"I know you're lying Baekhyun. The bed is made, which means you weren't there."

"I was just trying not to be a mess."

"You never make the bed," he stated. 

Baekhyun furrowed his eyebrows at him. "Whatever," he muttered and walked out. He knew he had lost the argument, but he didn't want the giant to start teasing him and just drop it.

The boy walked to the kitchen, noticing the other members were still asleep and then made sure to be quiet as he made himself some breakfast. 

He grabbed some cereal because they hadn't been to the store yet. The others already had met each other before Baekhyun joined, but it was the first time for everyone to live in the dorm together, and then, of course, hadn't gone shopping for food yet. Baekhyun also had to get the rest of his stuff from his home and he was hoping at least one of the members would offer their hands to help him.

"I see you still have our couple bracelets on. Why haven't you thrown it away?" the same deep voice asked as he spotted the bracelet on Baekhyun's wrist after he entered the kitchen as well. 

Baekhyun had wanted to throw it away many times, though the furthest he had ever come was to hold it over the trashcan; his hand never let it go. He just didn't have the strength to throw it away. 

"Why are you still wearing yours?" Baekhyun asked surprised as he spotted the same bracelet on his wrist. Baekhyun always used to walk on the giant's left side, and then he had his bracelet on his right hand, and the giant had it on his left so whenever they held hands their bracelets could be near each other.

"Because I didn't want to let it go. I always feel happier when I wear it than when I wasn't."

Baekhyun could feel his vein popping out of annoyance on his forehead. "You broke up with me, remember? Why are you acting like you were the one that got hurt? Do you know how crushed I was? Do you even know how I felt? You never once considered my feelings, only your own. Don't even start with that bullshit!" Baekhyun hissed whilst pointing his spoon in his ex's face. 

Chanyeol calmly shook his head with his eyes closed in response. "That's not true Baekhyun," he said in a low voice, "you don't know what happened to me or my feelings. You would've done the same if you were in my situation." 

"You don't know me," Baekhyun hissed, "you thought you did, but you don't. Anyways, I've changed. I don't give a damn about you anymore and don't you dare to talk to me again." He got up from his chair to wash the bowl, though the giant tailed behind him. 

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